A teacher who confines himself/herself within the four walls of the classroom. A teacher who who uses a one-fits-all teaching methodology or pedagogy for his/her subject matter. Sometimes teachers require a parent signature to confirm the student has shown them the assignment sheet. Your first task is to estimate Coleman's cost of capital. Find the probability that a traveller selecte. The main point raised by Gloria Ladson-Billings about the concept of culture is to emphasize the lack of knowledge about culture in our society. Communication with parents at the start of the school year can occur by each of the following except: A Back-to-School Night is commonly scheduled: A Back-To-School Night should not be used to discuss: A teacher having each student introduce themselves to every other student in the, Cognitive Domain: Comprehension | Application. C. Determine level of instruction students need Content management involves which of the following? (a)Mean absolute error If. a) Discovery b) Invention c) Diffusion d) Diversity, The two general approaches to forecasting are ______. Add to folder D. rituals. 5 All talk contains some type of emotional content. Dave Thomas' values are an important part of Wendy's culture. The data set bwght.dta contains two variables: the birth weight in ounces (bwght) of a newborn and the number of cigarettes the mother smoked per day during pregnancy (c. Hofstede's work on national culture was extended to nine cultural dimensions by A) RHR International. According to Trompenaars' value dimensions, if you are born and raised in an achievement society, your source of status will most likely be based upon your [{Blank}]. B. Laughter can ease the strain of following rules and adhering to schedules. a. Regression analysis b. PTSS c. Goodness-of-fit d. Formula development for standards can be done in many ways, there is no one common re, Alan Wilson, CEO of food spice company McCormick, Inc stated that "when someone introduces you to their culture, one of the first things they do is to introduce you to their food", because the food allows you to learn about the culture. C) the baptism with water. month. A. Activation involves the use of advance organizers to bring students' full attention to instruction. Give one example of how technology has led to a recently introduced innovative product. Having specific teacher behaviors such as (1) exhibiting appropriate levels of dominance; (2) exhibiting appropriate levels of cooperation; and (3) being aware of high-needs students, builds the foundation for student-teacher . The theorist who advocates use of the Choice Theory approach is, The more time students have to learn, the more chances they have for. True or False? d. in the United States than in any other. This will teach the children how to be receptive to people from a different culture while expanding their world view. True or False? Which type of power is dominant when a leader is respected for his knowledge? However, this is not required as a large culture may be made up of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people where genetic relationships do not exist between all members. a. slats that are no more that 2 3/8 inches apart Reward power c. Coercive power d. Legitimate power 3. Black and Spanish-speaking Americans have above-average rates, for example, while Jews have below-average fertility rates. Example: home of the couple thecoupleshome\underline{\text{the couple's home}}thecoupleshome, policies of the government ______________________________________, Collaboration is a style of interaction between individuals engaged in (choose the best response), Teachers may collaborate to: (choose the best response). A political party's (1) is expressed in each (2) of the (3) that it adopts at the (4) to select its (5). A. Give five of the dimensions and one country that is likely to be high and one that is likely to be low for each dimension. What type of learn. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like outdoor play equipment should be inspected a. daily b. weekly c. monthly d. every time children use it, a teachers failure to upload the legal and professional responsibilities associated with the care of young children is called a. negligence b. tort c. a statutory offense d. professional misdemeanor, safety rules should a . Round your ans, The regular distribution of lollipops, toys, or treats every Friday is an example of a ______ that helps reinforce Ask Socrates' culture. presentations of grade documentation procedures. Integrating lethal and nonlethal actions at the operational level helps to avoid "effects fratricide" while delegating detailed tactical-level synchronization to subordinate units and other stakeholders. Week: 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 Value: 19, 14, 15, 11, 19,13 Using the naiive method (most recent value) as the forecast for the next week, compute the following measu, Checkout times at a drug store are being monitored and the following data has been collected. TCP/IP refers to the whole protocol family. The statement of members equity for Bonanza, LLC, is shown below. [2] [3] It tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. The LSL is given by 15mm for a process. All posted questions are reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers (students and teachers) from around the globe. Would this be different depending on the location? He attributes much of his success to his family: he was raised by a traditional boat builder and from a very early age was surrounded by boats and the people who made them. Egalitarianism (from French gal 'equal'), or equalitarianism, is a school of thought within political philosophy that builds on the concept of social equality, prioritizing it for all people. According to the text, what affects the balance of task to relationship oriented, Answer Location: Task and Relationship Styles in Practice, AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors, 36. A) If trust is going to be established, it must be addressed immediately. A. the number of students Set up the 3-sigma \bar{x}-chart for a sample size of 36 boxes. Pages 5 Ratings 100% (8) 8 out of 8 people found this document helpful; ), A company using the same accounting principles from year to year is an application of. a) A newborn weighing less than 2200 grams is considered to be, Checkout times of a drug store are being monitored and the following data has been collected. True or False? All rights reserved. Each country's workplace flexibility programme differs based on legal requirements, infrastructure and culture. Routines, rules, and schedules provide the framework in which our actions take place. bosses Total costs incurred to date on the project equal $4,400,000. Mary is aware of her inheritance of her money as the reason for her living on credit. Go to Answer : Posts: 4760 Rep: 49 . More Teaching Aptitude Questions. d. during cold weather, all of the following safety features must be considered when purchasing an infant crib except - True. B. Lecture The results of inspection of DNA samples taken over the past 10 days are given below. B. included in both M1 and in M2. (If you find analogy questions like this confusing, a search of the Internet will yield helpful information on how to approach such questions. ___________________ is said by some to get in the way of creativity? overwhelming parents with the presence of other school personnel. Which of the following deals with the idea set forth by Doyle of 'life in a classroom is fast paced and close and some events must be taken care of immediately'? Teacher-made test accommodations Portfolio assessment Curriculum-based measurement performance assessment A type of assessment that is curriculum-based and requires students to construct responses on real-world tasks in ways that allow teachers to evaluate student's thinking is which of the following? by the person who is going to enforce them. Apr 7, 2010, 11:22 AM 1. For the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach, the firm uses a risk premium of 4%4 \%4%. Q4. Principle #5 of InTASC standards involves all of the following factors except for which one? Synchronize designated actions as appropriate at the operational level to avoid "effects fratricide.". Employee engagement refers to the level to which the employees of an organization possess a feeling of commitment towards the organization, are more passionate and the efforts they put in to. 2. Appropriate medical care Response Feedback: incorrect MC A "good death" involves all of . C) it is possible to obtain large numbers of progeny from any given cross. Deciding actions to be taken B. outdoor play equipment should be inspected, a teachers failure to upload the legal and professional responsibilities associated with the care of young children is called. C. curriculum to be taught Ones perspective can change for the better or change the worst upon completing Education 364 the Role of Cultural Diversity in Schooling. Question 2. A) norms B) subcultures C) mores D) attitudes, Gene is regarded by his peers as an extremely creative designer of watercraft. Measurement of temperature is done in degrees of Fahrenheit or Celsius, and its indications are by colored marks on the outside of the thermometer. How much was the deficit or surplus? As a teacher, you know that homework is a form of independent practice that should be completed entirely at home so you should not allow time for it in your class. Armstrongs share price was$26 on the announcement date and $24 on the acquisition date. C. Scaffolding The emotional-physical dimension focuses on self-esteem, security, acceptance, self-confidence, and even the ability to resist illness. Teachers typically don't have individual meetings with parents at a Back-to-School Night to discuss the child's progress. Iverson's four stages that can influence management and discipline in the classroom are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. b. Preempting scarce assets.c. A. Membership based on ones national origin or the national origin of ones ancestors when they immigrated to the united states is, All of following are reasons for voluntary immigration except, The state with the largest population of American Indians is, A population that is native to a country or region is, By 2050 the percentage of the population that is expected to be Latino is, The legislation that restricted citizenship to white Americans is, The primary and most often used legal path to immigration is, The supreme court decision that indicated unauthorized immigrant children have a right to seek a public education is, Marriage within the same ethnic, cultural, or religious group is, Adoption of the dominant groups cultural patterns by a new or oppressed group is, Marriage between persons of different races is, All of the following are true about race identification except, It tells a lot about people in racial groups, The variables that contribute to the population growth of persons of color are, The largest non-european group in the United States is, The area of the United States with the largest concentration of students of color is the, A label used by some people to describe persons of the same race who take on the behaviors and attitudes of the dominant culture is, Legal restrictions preventing persons of color from sharing public accommodations with whites are, In 1964, African American democrats from Mississippi challenged the seating of the all-white delegation under the leadership of, The legislation which banned discrimination in schools, employment, and public accommodations and secured the voting rights of African Americans is, The Supreme Court unanimously declared that separate but equal schooling was not equal in, The separation of groups of people that has been mandated by city, state, or federal government policies is, An offense committed against a person that is motivated by an offenders bias against a race, ethnicity/national origin, or other factor is, The majority of hate group chapters in the United States are located in the, A claim that one treats everyone equally regardless of race is, Anti racist education involves all of the following except, Ignoring racial slurs or derogatory comments in the classroom, Curriculum in most schools in the United States has traditionally been centered on, Courses that introduce students to the history and contemporary conditions of one or more ethnic groups are, Curriculum centered on or derived from African history, culture, and traditions is, The minimum level of student performance required by the federal legislation, "no child left behind" is, All of the following accurately represent trends in American education except, Approximately 1/3 of white students take at least one calculus-level course, According to recent research, the number of hate group chapters in the United States is about, The most important factor in student achievement is, All of the following strategies are critical components of multicultural education except, A course of studies that reflects accurate and positive information about the history, experiences, contributions, and perspectives of the ethnic groups that comprise the u.s. population is, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Project Management: The Managerial Process, Chapter 29 - Assessment: Hematologic System. Routines, rules, and schedules discourage spontaneity and creativity. Mean absolute error B. Fertility rates vary widely among various ethnic groups in the United States. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Value 20 13 16 11 17 14 Using the naive method as the forecast for the next week, compute the following measure of forecast accuracy. Respecting families' beliefs, norms, and expectations is essential for effective collaboration. Its last dividend ( D0\mathrm{D}_0D0 ) was $4.19\$ 4.19$4.19, and dividends are expected to grow at a constant annual rate of 5%5 \%5% in the foreseeable future. An open house is typically a time when teachers meet with individual parents about their child's progress. have a master's degree, state teaching certification, and be certified as a school administrator. The personal-intellectual dimension focuses on an individual's need for belonging, for friendship, relationships, collegiality, and interactions with others. In the Jewish tradition, during the king's coronation, calling was symbolized by: A) the imposition of hands. Is the earnings per share figure computed in part a(2) considered to be basic or diluted? 1) Using the naive method (most recent value) as the forecast for the next week, compute the following measures of forecast accuracy: Mean absolute error (M, Consider the following time series data. C) Alfred Chandler. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of these hormones is secreted by the placental tissues?, If one parent is homozygous for a trait that exhibits simple dominance and the other parent is heterozygous for that trait, their offspring will have a __________ chance of possessing that trait., Senescence involves all of the following except __________. Many things that society values, such as good health, high-quality education enjoyable recreation opportunities, and desirable moral attributes of the population, are not measured as part of GDP. physical barriers such as desks. Kohn advocates cooperation as the key to effective classroom management. A. Which of the following NETS-S correlates with student participation and active engagement? Common dimensions of job satisfaction include all of the following EXCEPT: Level of family support for career choices; Pay; . Cultural Competency In the classroom, communication ought to be seen as a source to gauge intercultural knowledge. c. Delegate detailed tactical-level synchronization as appropriate to subordinate units and other stakeholders. C. standards personality. Question 49 0 out of 2 points A "good death" involves all of the following EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Appropriate medical care Answers: Acceptance Support from loved ones Not feeling like a burden to others. Must money be a store of value to serve its function as a medium of exchange? Answer the question citing relevant support from the ASC and IFRS. B. teachers insisting on responsible behaviors from students. c. outdoors Science; Biology; Biology questions and answers; ncorrect Question 41 Dominance present all except the following characteristics: it is the result of interaction of alleles in the same locus it depends at which level of phenotype is examined it makes recessive alleles less frequent in the population it does not alter the way in which genes are inherited Consider the following time series data. Additionally, more than390039003900employees at various levels of the company participated in ExxonMobil's leadership development training programmes in201320132013, of which30%30 \%30%were women and59%59 \%59% were employees outside the USA. B) it is possible to control matings between different pea plants. More than 50% of American adults have oral herpes, which is commonly known as "cold sores" or "fever blisters." In each of our courses, we attempt to make a connection between comprehension of the course material and serving the interest of one or more of the Saint Leo University core values. a. indoors presentations of grade documentation procedures. These ______ communicate the firm's values of family, friendliness, and continuity. In order to have effective classroom management, the teacher must have expert knowledge in all of the following areas except: The view that classroom management "involves a series of decisions teachers make to create classroom communities where students are engaged in worthwhile activities that support their learning" is attributed to. Collaboration between teachers can occur in both formal and informal settings. Some people outside the United States say teens exposed to large doses of U.S. culture on MTV will identify less with their own societies and will desire Western goods they cannot afford. IP is the sin, Food is an integral part of understanding different countries, cultures, and lifestyles. |Sample|Defectives |#1|36 |#2|32 |#3|52 If the process proportion of defectives is unknown, using, The results of inspection of DNA samples taken over the past 10 days are given below. C. students with internet access at home The reaction of children to rules, regulations and procedures is universal among all children. What is the approximate percent of students that come from one-parent families? B. Ozark Farms uses at least 800 pounds of special feed daily. Beginning teachers often cite a lack of knowledge of the content standards as their number one concern. 1) Planning involves all of the following EXCEPT: A. A 2000 N car travels 50 m along a level road, . That is, there is a 41% chance that the child becomes infected with the disease. Mitzi's medical expenses include the following: Medical premiums: $10,850 Doctors fees: 2,000 Hospital fees: $3,350 Prescription drugs: $600 Eyeglasses $350 General purpose vitamins: $100 Mitzi's AGI for the year (2019) is $33,000. For instance, an educational video might include speech, images, music and text all of which can enhance a student's learning experience. Social emotional and group dynamics management approaches involve all of the following except. B) the anointing with oil. As a teacher using positive reinforcement techniques, you will use all of the following strategies except _____ to guide your students' classroom behavior. b. See Page 1. c. balloons B. the type of furniture They are not reliant on respondent recall; The have low resource . Teachers can only use curriculum materials in the ways dictated in the instructions. d. a shiny red tricycle, infants and toddlers The best tool to study the evils prevalent in the near society is-. E) the sacrifice of animals. For the above sample, determine the following measures: A) The mean B) The median C) The mode D) The maximum and minimum value E) The range F) The variance G) The sta, Consider the following time series data. In fact, your company is interested in importing Australian wine to the United States. About 153,700 openings for teacher assistants are projected each year, on average, over the decade. What values should Armstrong assign to identifiable intangible assets as part of the acquisition accounting? Value: 16 Week 4. Q3. 4 Activation involves the use of advance organizers to bring students' full attention to instruction. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! E. espoused values. Culture varies by country. c. About 80%80 \%80% of Canada's exports were to the U.S. What was the value of these exports, to the nearest hundred million dollars? The teacher is considered a guide because-. These terms will give you a better understanding of the importance of culture. Pages 20 ; Ratings 100% (8) 8 out of 8 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 10 - 12 out of 20 pages.preview shows page 10 - 12 out of 20 pages. The supreme court decision that indicated unauthorized immigrant children have a right to seek a public education is Plyler v. Doe Marriage within the same ethnic, cultural, or religious group is Endogamy Adoption of the dominant groups cultural patterns by a new or oppressed group is Acculturation Marriage between persons of different races is The system that focuses on teachers insisting upon responsible behavior from students is known as_________________________? 1. Egalitarian doctrines are generally characterized by the idea that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or moral status. Which of the following is not considered a vital collaboration skill? Alice and Leon are colleagues. C) Authentic trust is rarely establis, In development of standard data formulas, we always use which of the following? The ICT Development Index published by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) includes parameters in three categories, namely __________, __________and __________. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. According to _____________________________ a democratic classroom provides an excellent venue for brain maturation, _____________ is when teachers are engaged with their students and provide verbal encouragement to what they are saying. a. teething rings D) Nahavardi and Malekzadeh. Determine the standard error of estimate. 34. B. True or False? A. At the high school level, the system this system would involve students writing their own name on the board and putting tally marks after their name when misbehavior occurs. The leader's disclosure of personal problems or life outside of the group should. b. taking certain actions during the conference. Culture is defined as a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms which affect the behaviors of a relatively Culturally responsive pedagogy encompasses teaching practices, and curriculum implementation aimed at addressing student performance, inadequacies in content All of the articles touch upon how important a teachers understandings of culture is to the classroom. Expert Power b. A human gene carries a certain disease from a mother to her child with a probability rate of 0.41. As a teacher, you use Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences to incorporate multiple perspectives, orientations, and strategies into your instruction. During the annual performance appraisal and development process, every employee has a structured, documented discussion with their supervisors about work accomplishments, training objectives, development opportunities and career interests. 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