As a result of this they become spiritually weak, they fall into sin and become ineffective in their service. Continue to commit to Him doing His will, trust in Him. Oswald Chambers writes, "If a man cannot get through to God, it is because there is a secret thing he does not intend to give up." This involves a stubborn refusal to turn away from a hidden sin. This is because the fear of God is a foundation. We have to fully believe that God is in control and that He has a great plan for our life. These men were presented to the apostles who prayed and laid their hands on them. The once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus has completely absorbed Gods anger towards us. We dont have to be afraid of Gods judgment anymore. This means that we should not leave out any unpleasant teaching like the wrath of God and the existence of hell. Listen now to what he said at the end of v.24 so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.Paul knew exactly what role the Lord wanted him to fulfill: He was to testify ofthe Gospel of the grace of God. When the church began by the preaching of the apostles; It was primarily Jewish, but it didnt take long for it to become more diverse. Jesus said we will have trouble (tribulations) in this world. The fear of disappointment, on the other hand, says, Oh yeah, I get that relationship stuff. Obstacles Serving God's Purposes? This is probably because of the many struggles and challenges we face as we follow the Lord Jesus Christ. We can speak to God about the obstacles we face in a safe, judge-free setting. Hebrews 4:12 states: His word is alive and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, able to pierce to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow and even able to judge the thoughts and the intentions of the heart. Gods Word is incredibly powerful and holds the key to many of our problems. They had a great system going on, a great fellowship and God reminded them that though that ministry is important, it was not the mission of the church to run a food program, but to preach the gospel to those who are lost. Here are 4 barriers to getting through to God: 1) Harboring secret sin. . Right beside the foundation of Jesuss death in our place is this glorious picture of Jesus praying for us. Let these closing words of Paul to the Church of Thessalonica be our constant source of encouragement:And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The particular, electing love of God from before the foundation of the world is the reason why anyone becomes a Christian. Will we be able to do these things well? These challenges come to distract us from our mission; they come to make us quit running the race. Only God the Holy Spirit can change a heart. But Paul did not expect the elders of Ephesus to do what he did, because they had adifferentrole to fulfill. We Must Obey God Rather than Men (Acts 5:12-42) by, Gods Wisdom and Requirements for Church Leadership (Acts 6:1-7) by, Stephen-A Man of Faith (Acts 6:5, 7:54-8:3) by, Acts 20:17-35 - The Challenge to Serve Faithfully, Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064. God continued to bless them by bringing more people into the community. He feels supreme love for One whom he has never seen, talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see, expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another, empties himself in order to be full, admits he is wrong so he can be declared right, goes down in order to get up, is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest, and happiest when he feels the worst. Genesis 50:20 - But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. This warning comes in the form of a close call, or near miss event. We dont know for sure. Look at your, If it has, one way to restore it is build yourself up spiritually. The devil is always looking out for opportunities to gain a foothold in your heart and make you fall. They came to provide comfort and sympathy to him. Climbers think theyll go down the wire smoothly, but when the lever is pulled, they face a 20-foot freefall. CBN's ministry is made possible by the support of our CBN Partners. Now we shall read what Paul said to them, as recorded in Acts 20:17-35. Ask God for strategies to replace a negative habit with a positive, faith-filled habit. As a Christian, its important to not let your obstacles in life tear you away from your faith. Serving God means obeying and enjoying our relationship with God as our Heavenly Father. First, we can have a rich God-accomplished relationship with God because of Jesuss sacrifice (Hebrews 10:1920). There is one good way to know whether you are spiritually well or not. Then look to these promises. The church of Jesus Christ has faced huge challenges throughout it existence and will continue to face challenges until Jesus comes back again. This was his role in serving the Lord, and he devoted himself to fulfill it faithfully wherever he went. During the voyage one of the ports that the ship stopped at was Miletus. Colossians 3:24. We Never Heard Back. The apostles handed the food distribution to seven men selected by the church. Many times, we wonder about God's purpose in our lives. In 1 Kings 19, we see how detrimental fear can be to hearing God. If you do, you won't ever feel alone. Other people of faith who are overcoming their own challenges can lift you up in spirit, remind you of Gods truth, and cheer you on as you strive for your goals. God rewarded their faithfulness and decision: Copyright March 4, 2019,Ken Boa, used with permission. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. But Jesus was the sacrifice for us. Thats why Christ also sent the Holy Spirit to work within each believer. This is similar to how the higher law of aerodynamics supersedes the lower law of gravity for a hang glider. Obstacles expose our weaknesses and increase our dependency upon Christ. These are emotional, intellectual, and volitional barriers. The outcome of the apostles decision? The church needs your effectual fervent prayers! . They see the ministry of the Word merely as a means to get what theywantinstead of what theyneed. Everyone in the church knew who was overseeing the food distribution ministry. Obstacles that we face in life are riddled with anxiety, fear, worry, anger, stress, and every negative emotion that you can think of. "Serving God" is one of the important reasons man was created from the beginning. Its always telling us, Youd better take charge. So how do we stay yielded to God? Christ went to Jerusalem towards the end of His earthly ministry, despiteknowingthat He would be betrayed, condemned to death, humiliated and crucified there (Matthew 20:18,19). But no matter what happens they would always have Gods Word with them to build them up, as long as they continued to study it. But everywhere the disciples of Jesus went, they preached the gospel, and more communities were born in different towns. After our conversion, our inner person matures and grows, but our flesh is neither removed nor improved. If He leads us to it, He'll lead us through it. If youre not turned toward Him now, will you take a moment right now to yield to His Spirit once again or maybe even for the first time? Fear of the unknown can prevent us from following God's promptings to serve and fully accept all that He has for us. And since Gods awful judgment on this world is coming soon, you must not delay obeying His command any longer. Yes, we have sinned. In the following paragraphs, I have listed 10 common things that can interfere with our walk with God. And we must be very thankful to Him. This command to draw near might be summarized as a summons to live in a rich God-accomplished relationship with God. Trusting God gives us true success (Psalm 27:3-7; Proverbs 15:22). The first and biggest obstacle to you and me enjoying all the benefits of God's Grace is you (and me). God wants you to open up about your fears, doubts and anxieties so He can help you overcome them. Submit yourselves therefore to God. But the enemy doesnt like this, so he would use anything to stop you. By: Ysrael De la Cruz At the beginning of the pandemic, I was able to witness many so called prophets come out to predict what the Lord was telling American through the worldwide epidemic of Covid 19. Obstacles that we face in life are riddled with anxiety, fear, worry, anger, stress, and every negative emotion that you can think of. You can count on Gods promise (Joshua 1:5; Deuteronomy 31:6; 1 Chronicles 28:20; Hebrews 13:5). There an be obstacles in our spiritual walks, too, and sometimes we place them; sometimes we embrace them - addiction to television, busyness, overextending ourselves, video games Identify and address your obstacles. Everything else comes after that. He will listen to the pain you have filling your heart. Romans 1:25. The whole counsel of God also includes the need torepentof ones sins and to receive Christ not only as Saviour, but also asLord. In chapter 6 Satan tried to distract the apostles from their main mission. Two of the biggest barriers to adults being engaged in serving the body of Christ are these feelings: "I don't have anything in common with those I want to serve" and "I don't have anything to offer.". We serve not just because we want to serve but love man has to carry out; that we have a loving Creator, a true genuine Father in every sense of the word. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. This exhortation is found in v.32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God,and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up,and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.(v.32) Paul said this because he had to leave the Ephesians, and would no longer be present to teach them as he had done before. Yes they certainly did. The same thing happens if one member is not fulfilling his or her role faithfully The whole church suffers! Mailbox Club Bible Correspondence Courses, As we thank God for His faithfulness today, let us be reminded that God requires faithfulness from us. (Food pantry ministry). The fear of judgment imagines God frowning, crossing his arms, annoyed, angry, fed up with your mess-ups. Your browser does not support the audio element. In v.28 they are told tofeedthe church of God.In vv.29-31 they are told to keepwatchagainst false teachings that may come into the church both from without and from within. Proverbs 8:17 love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me. He had been doing this to the Ephesians for three years (54-57 AD), as he said to them in vv.18 and 31Ye know, from the first day that I came into Asia,after what manner I have been with you at all seasonsTherefore watch, and remember, that by the space ofthree yearsI ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.. (Acts 4:34). First and foremost, you must know that you are a part of Christ. Which way are you turned? He gave us the tool or prayer so that we would never feel alone. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Sometimes God may call you to a different ministry. To be faithful to the Word is to give our attention to thewholecounsel of God. Trusting God gives us confidence not a flesh-driven confidence, not confidence in the wrong things (like money/possessions) or with wrong motives, but confidence rooted in God and His Word (exemplified by the Bereans of Acts 17:11). He is there right beside you. So, this distribution of goods took place before and there wasnt a problem. He is much more powerful than any obstacle you will ever face! Similarly, repentance is not so much a matter of turning from evil as it is a turning to God. You can be confident in Gods ability to handle your problems (Job 42:2). But having said all this, the question still remains what if Gods people are somehownotdiligent enough to guard themselves well and to build themselves up with God Word? Contributing financially to God's work is a great way to serve God. But God equips us to overcome obstacles . Much of the ministry of Jesus was devoted to correcting bad teaching; see, for example, Matthew 5:21 on murder, 5:27 on adultery, and 5:33 on oaths. The answer to this is that our confidence must ultimately be placed in God. Have you seen how crazy my life is? This is a fear that doesnt tempt us to stop believing; it tempts us to forfeit a life of intimacy with Jesus because we just dont think that kind of life is possible for us. Second, we can have a rich God-accomplished relationship with God because Jesus prays for us (Hebrews 10:21). Christians are called to make disciples, but we are not capable of changing people. Leaders should empower others to serve and not overwhelm themselves with every ministry. Their widows were being overlooked or neglected in the daily distribution of food. And because man is so strategic to the advancement of the kingdom of God, Satan uses all kinds of. When Paul wrote his epistle to the Philippians some time later, he said,I count all things but lossfor the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.(Philippians 3:8). Thats why Christ bestowed all the spiritual gifts which the Church needs for service. The preaching and teaching of Gods word. Will we be able to do these things well? Please take time to read your Bible each day, and let God speak to you through His Word. 3. *A.W. - Watch past sessions at Muslim is on a journey to Allah. In fact, faithfulness is the most important quality needed in serving the Lord. Click to Tweet 9) 1 John 4:4 "Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them. I hope that everyone who is serving in any ministry of Life Church will take this exhortation seriously Guard yourself! Joshua was firmly in control of his actions and had his eyes fixed on the commandments of the Lord. Paul would never think of himself apart from the Lord Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we battle against difficulties, obstacles on our way to accomplishing Christs mission in this world. But now we come to the question. It is just like eating well-balanced meals that include every kind of food that your body needs to be strong and healthy. Being full of the Spirit and being wise are evident qualities in a person. You do. But if we withhold our worship, we are saying: We know better than God. He said, "you cannot serve both God and money.". You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! These are emotional, intellectual, and volitional barriers. Worse, some of us feel too exhausted we just want to stop serving Him. Meditate on Scripture and you will know everything is going to be OK. They must be placed well above our own personal pursuits and interests. 2. In those days when the number of disciples was increasing. THE DIFFICULTIES IN THE SERVICE OF GOD ARISE FROM THE DISAGREEMENT BETWEEN OUR CHARACTER AND HIS. Here are 4 ways to find contentment in Christ: #1 Accept rejection. Tough times and obstacles in life build Christian character and faith. The Emotional Barrier: Is It Safe to Trust God? They must be placed well above our own personal pursuits and interests. Yes, we deserve punishment. The punishment has been paid. It is fascinating to study these spiritual gifts, but that is not within the scope of this sermon. As a result of this they become spiritually weak, they fall into sin and become ineffective in their service. We serve the same God who said: "And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. The natural gravity of the flesh pulls us away from grace toward law-based living. Without the proclamation and teaching of Gods words disciples are not developed. This gravity is like a built-in magnet that draws us toward controlling, creating, and manipulating. No matter how big your problem may feel, or how impossible it may seem for it to get better, know that nothing is too difficult for God to handle. It would also distract them from the main mission. They would rather increase in fame and fortune. The fear of judgment keeps you from a rich relationship with God because you just cant believe that God can forgive your sin. Following Jesus as our Lord and Savior not only means that we . This was a great thing happening. You can place your steadfast trust in Him. What happens when one organ in a persons body is not functioning well? But what if they aren't enemies? One of them is found at the end of our passage, Acts 20:36 And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, andprayedwith them all., Now, besides faithfulness to the Lord and faithfulness to fulfill our God-given roles, there is another area where faithfulness is required of us. Remember, rather than call the equipped, God seems to like to equip the called. knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. But what needs to be impressed on us is thatwe allhave a role to play in Gods kingdom. These dark moments can leave you feeling frustrated, scared, and broken. and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near . The answer is simple, but not necessarily easy. Look at v.21 where Paul says that he wastestifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks,repentance toward God, and faith toward ourLordJesus Christ.. The second part of verse 21 gives us another reason to draw near to God: Jesus prays for us. In order for us to get grace we have to surrender ourselves to God and accept His grace as a free gift. God calls His people to serve and love one another with humility. With this obstacle, we ask, Is it possible to trust God? It is fascinating to study these spiritual gifts, but that is not within the scope of this sermon. Faith is from God and fear is from the enemy. They really piss me off. These seven men will oversee the ministry of distribution of food. We see in God's dealings with people, that in almost all cases, God uses the obstacles/difficulties and overcoming them, as a means to inculcate great character in people and to prepare them and use them for great purposes. How can tell if your agenda or actions are from God or Satan? and its ok. Obstacles to God's Will Do you want God's will for your life? He will surely see to it that His Church will endure to the very end. To move in. In the earlier chapters of Acts we had seen that some are called to serve as deacons, some as evangelists, and some as teachers. 6. God wants you to be successful and triumphant, and has a great plan for your life. There are two glorious ways Jesus abolishes the fears that might keep us from a rich relationship with God. Confess Unbelief Be honest. God has to earn our favor. Psalm 32:11, "Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!". These feelings can keep us paralyzed from dealing with the. While he was there, Paul sent a messenger to Ephesus (which is about 40 km away) to call the elders of the church to come for a conference with him, as he believed that he would never see them again. Three years was actually the longest time that Paul served in one city throughout all his missionary journeys This was because of its strategic location in reaching out to the whole province of Asia. This was their main priority: In a Christ-centered church the preaching and teaching of Gods word must be the main priority. Over the last three months we have seen God clearing away all the obstacles for the launching of a new Bible College. God's people cannot be shamed into serving God; they need to be challenged. Obstacles to Seeking God. What happens when the trapdoor opens in your life? Remind yourself that you are a child of God and you were put on this earth for a reason. Instead, these are the moments where you need faith the most. Have you ever wondered why we get caught in the same sins over and over? You see, regardless of the challenges we may face in life in our ministries, Jesus expects us to be faithful to his call of making disciples, his call to reaching those who dont know him. Trials and suffering tend to truly reveal who your true friends are. Paul was faithful in his role as a, In the earlier chapters of Acts we had seen that s. ome are called to serve as deacons, some as evangelists, and some as teachers. He is our perfect, spotless righteousness and our lives are hid with him on high. He is patient toward us, always showing his mercy toward us, always deals with us in his steadfast love. By: Ysrael De la Cruz. He knows about every detail of you, and has your best interest at heart. Earlier on we witnessed the addition of new members through baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership. Try. December 10, 2018. This can be seen in the call which He gave to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2:10Be thoufaithfulunto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.It is also seen in the commendation which the servants received from the Lord in Matthew 25:21Well done, thou good andfaithfulservant: thou hast beenfaithfulover a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.. This ministry functioned well before, as we are informed in chapter 4 that there was also distribution of funds (there was no needy people among them); the first Christians cared for their needs by sharing and distributing goods. And therefore weve bunkered down into a Christian life solely about survival. This would enable them to remain faithful to the end and to receive their eternal rewards in heaven. John 12:26 says. (It is not right that we give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. (ESV) We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. He said,neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received ofthe Lord JesusIn v.22,23 Paul says,And now, behold,I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying thatbonds and afflictions abide me., Paul was heading for Jerusalem in obedience to the Lords direction for him, despite knowing the awful trials he would have to face there. Matthew 17:20 ESV / 89 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful Paul did not say, I kept back nothing that waspleasantunto you.Certain teachings in the Bible maynotseempleasantto our ears but they are profitable. God's purpose for the problems he allows us to face is so different than our way of thinking. Jesus has an active, priestly role for our sake at the Fathers right hand. sign me up! Our sinful souls are counted free and our names are written on his heart. Discover God's peace now. Theres really nowhere else to go, as the apostle Peter said, for true life eternal life is with Him alone. Jesus is the only way to restore our relationship with God, and so He is the only way we can truly serve God as well. ". The point is that God is behind this. Preached at Life BPC 66th Anniversary service, 2016-10-16, As we thank God for His faithfulness today, let us be reminded that God requires faithfulness from us. Three obstacles keep us from coming to Christ, and these are the same barriers that keep us from yielding to, trusting in, and submitting to Him on an ongoing basis. Your soul needs the nourishment contained in every part of it, and not just from your favorite books or passages of the Bible. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes - the hope of the world hangs on it (Rom 1:16). 1. More Ken Boa on Trusting God in Turbulent Times. Materialism. They were responsible for that. No! You can be assured of Gods intentions that He has your best interests at heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13; Hebrews 12:10). Deborah: Trusting God through the demands of life. This can be seen in the call which He gave to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2:10. Overcoming Obstacles to Serving. You can be secure in Gods love, which is a demonstrated, sacrificial, and caring love (John 3:16; 1 John 4:10, 19). If it has, one way to restore it is build yourself up spiritually. And so, as a point of application, please ask yourself: Are you faithful in learning and obeying the whole counsel of God? We must look to Him for all the help we need to remain faithful. An important part of the gospel is that in Jesus Christ we can begin to serve God again with the promise of being able to serve him perfectly and forever in the age to come. The apostles would give their attention to prayer and the preaching of the word. In Pauls discourse we can see how greatly concerned he was that the Ephesian church should remain faithful. Hebrews 7:25 tells us, Jesus is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. He is always praying for us, always fueling the furnace of our faith. For greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.". Focus on how strong Gods power is. Copyright 2023 Staten Island Christian Church. Yes, we are sinners. The apostles were the shepherds of the church. Others have been blessed with spiritual gifts of faith, administration, discernment, hospitality, giving, mercy, or encouragement. The apostles called the church (the disciples) together. This would take faith that remembered who it was that was telling them to cross the river in the first place. While he was there, Paul sent a messenger to Ephesus (which is about 40 km away) to call the elders of the church to come for a conference with him, as he believed that he would never see them again. For example, if you are struggling to cope with a bad breakup, you can replace your sadness by focusing on the love God has for you. When we spend too much time in a secularized society, the enemy can infiltrate and weaken our spiritual walls. Result of this sermon Watch past sessions at https: // Muslim is on a to! And money. & quot ; is one of the world have no experience of joy... ( Psalm 27:3-7 ; Proverbs 15:22 ) seen God clearing away all help... Disciples was increasing knew who was overseeing the food distribution ministry for the launching of a new Bible.! Turning to God: Jesus prays for us a 20-foot freefall chapter Satan! Said to them, as the apostle Peter said, & quot ; and the Lord, and devoted! To not let your obstacles in life tear you away from your.! 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