Pros And Cons Of Abolishing The Electoral College. Who's to say that politicians won't one day decide that the average voter doesn't know what's best for them and elect a candidate who clearly does not represent the choice of the people? But because of our independence, AKA a spirit of pride in this case, we refuse to let anyone help us. At some point in our lives, many of us dream of breaking the shackles of employment and becoming our own boss. On D side, we have Clinton (and not Jessie Jackson) and Gore (and not Dean). The problem with doing everything yourself is that you only have the resources and investment of one person to accomplish things. What makes independent contractors different from employees is not the job they do, but how they do it. Many of Sanders supporters felt his chances at the presidency had been smeared and interfered with by liberal media and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. If you're the adventurous, entrepreneurial type, then working as an independent contractor might be a greatcareer choice for you. He didnt represent the ideologies and policies of the Democratic party, but rather pushed an agenda that aligned with, the Green Partys socialist and lower-class-first initiative. Also, you might need to pay for your own tools and equipment as well as establish a federal and state tax ID number. There's even a Facebook group called "Voters whose registration was changed without their knowledge in NY." Opinion: Ann Cudd for President An independent voter, often also called an unaffiliated voter or non-affiliated voter in the United States, is a voter who does not align themselves with a political party.An independent is variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates on issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or partisanship; a voter who does not have long-standing loyalty to, or identification with . The most successful independent contractors are people who are constantly on the go and take on different projects. However, usually if no one else has been interacting with you or looking at your work, you may be completely ambivalent to the things youre not doing right. Its definitely a good thing to be able to take care of yourself. After Sanders suspension, online forums and social media exploded with political disagreement. You can feel free to vote for a third-party candidate without the guilt of betraying your party. Though I personally believe that being an Independent is better (though I will say Im biased because I consider myself to be an Independent), I also think that it is not useful in the political climate we live in today. In this regard they are able to campaign for, and draw attention to, a strongly felt issue. For example, people registered under the Democrats are tied to the socialist, liberal ideologies that cover the extremes of the Democratic Party even if the person doesnt believe in them. Remember, though, that these agencies may withhold taxes and collect other deductions from your paychecks, depending on your working relationship with the firm. So I am a person whose extremely weary of independents because Ive seen many of my apolitical friends use this as a cop out and excuse for not voting since they just cant in the primary so now Im annoyed in the general. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Some people were still waiting in line to vote after the polls closed -- and even after the election had been called for Trump and Clinton. Independent contractors can engage in nearly any kind of work, but employers can't call just anyone who works for them an independent contractor. Pros of Starting Your Own Independent Insurance Agency. 1 is required to work at the company's offices from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily; uses a company computer, phone, and email system; submits vendor selections and costs to management for approval; and provides weekly status reports on the vendors hired, the costs, and the marketing materials delivered. Schmidt, Steffen. If you're not registered either Democrat or Republican, you might be having a tough time voting. If, for example, a majority of the voting population are registered to a candidate's party, they'll more likely consider your vote as "in the bag" without working hard to earn it. Key Takeaways. I Shouldnt Have to Change for Love Really? Yes most definitely. other data sources to make educated guesses about your political leanings. Here are three different problems going on in 3 different states. Therefore feeling disenfranchised (denied of their right to vote). It shouldnt be about party allegiance. Anyone who is self-employed is an IC. Being "registered" as Democratic/Republican/Independent vs being a party member. When Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the 2020 United States Presidential Race on April 8, the fallout was palpable, especially among those who identify as independent. I've also been engaged in Democratic party politics and legislative work for the last decade. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, electricians get injured on the job more than other trade skill professionals. It has over 600 members. By Trenna Wilson What are the pros and cons? Every project and stakeholder offers unique experiences. But the good news is that there's still time to fix your registration. Politics is about choice, change and personal opinion. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, They are paid by the project, not by the hour, week, or month, They work with their own tools and equipment, not those supplied by the company who hires them, They are free to perform work for other businesses, They are free to work at a location and during hours of their choosing (although clients can give independent contractors deadlines for completing the work), They can employ subcontractors for all or part of the work (unless their contract with the hiring firm says otherwise). After Sanders suspension, online forums and social media exploded with political disagreement. Theres a reason why more and more people have shifted over to being registered as an independent voter in the wake of the last several elections. Something thats good about having the right balance of independence is that if youre on top of your own issues, youre more free to look after others. Independent contractors submit invoices for their work rather than working for a specific Pros and Cons of Being an . 1. One of the great rites of passage that isnt always as defined as a rite is the acquisition of our independence. For some of us, independence means being able to make our own significant financial moves, such as buying your own car or your own house without the assistance of others. Unlike W-2 employees, a 1099 independent contractor is responsible for his or her own taxes, retirement savings, and health insurance coverage. Let's say there are two event planners, both charged with setting up an annual corporate gathering, including securing a location, hiring the vendors needed, and creating marketing materials to inform the company's employees and business partners about the event. Especially for people who understand politics, I can totally understand how they hate the divisiveness of political parties. (The deadline for new voters to register was more recent, in March.). How is "He who Remains" different from "Kang the Conqueror"? List of the Pros of the Catalan Independence Vote and Referendum. For this governor's race, consider being independent of party. The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. Pros. It gives me an image of independents sneaking in to voting booths with a bunch of different silly costumes to vote 10 times an election :), Didn't you know? "It seems primaries are won by being the one that your hard-core party types like the best" - you seem to be watching different primaries from me? For some, they will want to prophetically call out against the status quo orthe establishment'. About a half million people in California meant to register as independents, but accidentally registered with an ultraconservative party instead. In many cases, there are areas of your life where no one else has been there to look after you. However, being an independent contractor can come with more responsibility. Hi Matt thanks for this really insightful article. Maryland is safely a Democratic leaning state, with the last time going to a Republican was in 1988, giving its 10 electoral votes to Bush. While its true change happens slowly, we can make that change by being willing to stand up for the working lower class. It's important when considering independent contract work to understand the pros and cons of working as an independent contractor. If its all about you, you are the ceiling on the organization or on the investment. It's OKif you are registered R or D so you can vote in that primary. Gallup. The 5 Most Successful Independent Presidential Candidates in History.. If you are Republican, you don't have to choose between being a regular or Tea Party Republican. Also, if an Independent candidate runs, they will probably get at least some media attention, again, taking away from the major parties we typically succumb to. Instead of a steady, predictable paycheck, independent contractors can experience peaks and valleys in their earnings. The Electoral College, the system that elects our president in our people's choice democracy. He didnt represent the ideologies and policies of the Democratic party, but rather pushed an agenda that aligned with the Green Partys socialist and lower-class-first initiative. (Of course, the final product has to meet with the client's approval, and independent contractors and clients usually start out with a written agreement or contract that spells out the work to be completed.). In general, independent contractors are required to report income or losses from their business on IRS Schedule C, and they report Social Security and Medicare taxes on Schedule SE (Form 1040 or 1040-SR ), Self-Employment Tax. 1. The freedom and ability to challenge the status quo is an important function of the democratic process. What does a search warrant actually look like? #Provisional Ballot, here I come. There is such great power in partnership. A wave of disappointment washed over democratic voters after Al Gore won the candidacy in 2000, and again in 2016 with Clinton, and its happening again with Biden this year. Some of the disadvantages of being a 1099 employee include you must fund 100% of your Medicare and Social Security taxes, health insurance, retirement savings, as well as any tools and equipment needed for your profession. In that sense I figured that the mere act of being registered as an independent may affect the vote, because the more of us independents out there the more likely candidates would moderate their platform to recognize the needs of that swing-vote demographic and stick to more centralist policies. They offer an alternative to the usual parties we see so heavily in the media these days. You'll also find a bevy of resources on the U.S. Small Business Administration's website. Theres multiple benefits to being registered as an independent. PRO: Your Income Potential is Unlimited. Though those cons already may turn you off from being an Independent, there are pros too. Statistically, it doesnt even make sense. You won't get hit by lightning. But is being independent as good as its cracked out to be? A voter should not have to feel that way. While its true change happens slowly, we can make that change by being willing to stand up for the working lower class. Regarding any advantages of being registered as an Independent, it may depend on the state where you are registered. Partisan identification in the US, polls only weakly correlated to voter registration. Each of these entities has different legal and tax requirements and benefits. There's a lot of disagreement over whether closed or open primaries are fairer and better. Sanders had been pegged by many Democratic voters as too socialist, loud and abrasive, along with many other words. . (Gallup.) 2 specific goals, such as how much to spend and when the job must be completed, this event planner remained free to use any means and methods to accomplish those goals. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? And something I see a lot of is that when youve been used to doing things by yourself for a while, you start to develop your own habits and mechanisms for getting things done. But as an independent consultant, you can choose your own hours, projects, and location. My brother actually identifies with the Green party (even though hes only eleven and doesnt know much of anything), and I try to tell him that he wont be politically relevant! You can still be and call yourself an independent. rev2023.3.1.43269. Ive worked on a number of software development projects in a number of different organizations state and federal government agencies, larger companies, and even those smaller projects on the side. When you're a child, that's what you start out literally doing - trying to get your footing. Here are six facts about political independents: 1 Nearly four-in-ten U.S. adults (38%) identify as politically independent, but most "lean" toward one of the two major parties. It's too late to change that platform, even if the politician were willing to do so, and thus there is limited options to address the independent's needs, at least without reneging on your platform and promises. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? Colorado: Young Voters Flex Political Muscles. is the mathematical equivalent of not voting. Portero, Ashley. That's because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has only two distinctions: an independent contractor or an employee. Its exactly the same with the other areas of our lives. But both tend to have lower voting turnout than the average voter, particularly in Mid-term elections. @TheFuzzyLobster @BobbyTBD They are uninformed voters who didn't care about the NY voting process they are NOT disenfranchised voters. However, they also realize that its necessary to choose a political party, because thats the only way that theyll be able to make an impact. When youre starting, apply to agencies that can connect you with contract work. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Catalans might be part of Spain with the current borders, but the culture is unique when compared to the rest of the country. Pros and Cons of Independents. East Herts People, The spectrum of political opinions is far too diverse and wide-ranging to be isolated to two groups that essentially represent the same issues, goals and policies. Sanders suspending his campaign additionally meant Joe Biden would be the Democratic candidate for the 2020 electionthough not officially, as Sanders is still on the primary ballots, but is unlikely to secure votes. Sanders suspending his campaign additionally meant Joe Biden would be the Democratic candidate for the 2020 electionthough not officially, as Sanders is still on the primary ballots, but is unlikely to secure votes. On social issues I mostly support one side, but I lean towards the other side on many other issues; and ultimately I have no strong allegiance to either party and am frustrated whenever I see views that seem partisan or too extreme to either side, in short I think I truly am an independent at heart, not just on paper. Ability to choose clients While hospital or agency administrators might assign their case managers a list of patients to work with, independent case managers can choose their own client list based on their areas of specialty and desired work amount. Others say their registration was mysteriously switched from Democrat to something else. Volume: hotel chains, due to their standard and extensive offer, benefit from economies of scale due to the expansion of their business and the reduction of costs for bulk purchases and management. All answers are welcome, but I'm the sort of person who spends time on Skeptics, so I love sources and statistics if anyone wishes to include them as well :). Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? The confusion plus the weird registration problems plus the fact that only registered Dems and Repubs can vote in the primary equals 3 million New Yorkers being unregistered with either major party. The way you are taxed and the forms you file differ depending on the business entity you've chosen. Workers are generally considered independent contractors when: Some states like California impose more stringent requirements for classifying workers as independent contractors, and lawmakers at the state and federal levels change or add new tests from time to time. Its just taking away a vote against the worse of two evils of Republican or Democrat that are running in their point of view. 4 cons of being an electrician. Hope youre well. "Self-Employment Tax (Social Security and Medicare Taxes). Independent voters in numerous states are struggling with the system. It Continue Reading Sponsored by Sane Solution While employers don't need to pay taxes and social contributions, the duty thus falls on the contractor. Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. Therefore unable to vote in the primary. Political parties are able to draw on resources, financial . Are there any other pros to being independent? But no matter where you stand on closed primaries, it's clear that millions of New Yorkers who fully intended to vote in the primary and believed they were correctly registered to do so are realizing they can't. somehow the 'vote as often as legal' comment amuses me. But there were problems. ", register in the first place or change your affiliation. California's primary is on June 7th. (East Herts People. Are there advantages to my being registered as an independent in the US? I love it. "Estimated Taxes. I would appreciate any materials you might suggest to let me explore this further. Advantages: Far harder to exclude people. Pro #1: It usually means you can take of yourself I think it's great that we learn to stand on our own two feet. We view the status of being independent as having made it, as something to aspire to be. Independent candidates in national elections often focus on a single issue, or a narrow range of issues. Independence means being strong enough in our own career and purposethat we know well always somewhat be well equipped for the challenges of life. However I live in Maryland, which has closed primaries for both parties and the state will always vote Democrat for presidential elections; which leaves me feeling that being an independent removes my voice. ", Internal Revenue Service. With the 2020 election, we have begun to see more than two parties. Or purged entirely. @chrislhayes explains why Ivanka Trump is right about voting in NY - it's a disaster. You have an attitude towards the friends you make, but you havent invited in any other voices to give you the real truth about how you treat other people. An, The latest edition of the PSU Vanguard is on stand, Time to Act update Zip Recruiters puts the average pay for independent insurance agents at a heartier $97,996. "Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? The biggest thing I always hate seeing is how the connotations of parties will be immediately tied to someone who is registered under that party. However, being your own boss can have downsides, too. First, a pragmatic argument: an Independent candidate has rejected the advantages of being part of an established infrastructure and support network. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Although both event planners are doing the same job, event planner No. What I like about this attitude is that you take responsibility for your own wellbeing. Because that's what this race is truly about. At 21 (many years ago) I reasoned that no one party could always have the best candidates or have the perfect plan/platform at every given time. Many people can't wait in line for hours on end to vote, for a range of reasons. Original, Education ought to be for everyone The IPC is collating submissions around Council's plans to introduce a precinct model to regulate the short-term rental accommodation . Which party actually caused the 2016 presidential election swing? Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. As you get older, youre trying to find your footing in other areas, like friendships, education, dressing yourself. I work in the Presidential battleground state of Florida, we have a lot of state representative, county commission races, etc. If you're not the most self-driven person, then being responsible for your own schedule may be somewhat detrimental. Earlier we discussed some of the benefits of working as an independent contractor, like setting your own hours and making your own rules. In North Carolina, for example, a voter registered as an independent can choose which primary they wish to vote in. Read our, How To Succeed as an Independent Contractor, The Differences Between Employed vs. Self-Employed, What To Know About Household Employee Taxes, How the IRS Determines Independent Contractor Status, What To Do With an IRS Backup Withholding Notice, What You Need to Know Before You Sign a W-9 Form, Hiring and Paying an Independent Contractor. You have a certain approach to your finances, but youre actually not aware of how bad you are at saving. Agencies may also charge you acommission, which will reduce your compensation (although you can deduct it on your tax returns). You have to vote, so minorities, workers, etc turn up and vote. As an independent contractor, you're your own boss, meaning you have more control, but you also have more responsibility. The journey of someone just like you, on a journey just like you. But both tend to have lower voting turnout than the average voter, particularly in Mid-term elections. You won't find a preference for flamenco when you visit the region. Is it good or bad to be an independent in a partisan political climate? (_jket/Flickr). Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. You can vote for whoever you want to. If Your Wife Isnt Your Standard Of Beauty, Who Is? Fighting the three-headed dragon of voter suppression, mass media lies, and elitist supremacy, Bramelly Tammer (@Opal_boulder) April 19, 2016. NY Bernie voters are going to battle tomorrow. You shouldnt be goaded into voting for someone who you dont believe supports your politics. Harper called an earlier election because he presumed this electoral system would favour his party to win. It really does suck that in most states, Independents cant vote for primaries. 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