That will give us more information about the future of this dreadful war begun by Vladimir Putin. My mom just corrected me saying I was born at 7:25. Simply the best. One faction was led by America while the other by USSR. I have always hate what money stand for and discrimination. Is this our generational dark night of the soul? Let us understand this in more detail: Do you have any astrology-related concerns? Mercury at 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is hit by an eclipse at 25 Scorpio (a Full Moon) on Monday 16th May 2022. Ukraine is set to join the EU in June and will gain a new astrological chart, as all countries acquire new horoscopes when their constitution changes, or their international status shifts. Those decisions must stop the dangers of depending on both Russia and China for petrol/gas, coal and manufacturing. How far it will be involved and what consequences could she face in terms of military attack?Thank you. Thank you . I am not sure where Canada sources everything from, although I should, as my cousin lives there. We are living in the US and seeing the price of homes sky rocket along with everything else. What we do have is an economic revolution. Look at old predictions about Uranus in Taurus on Search as Ive been ringing the bell about this for a few years now. You want to move to Ireland or Italy. Bulgaria is part of the old European system which is set to change radically in 2022 and 2023 as the Euro, cryptocurrency and the hidden distortion of money laundering in Europe (property) is set for transformation. When you say nothing will be safe you are correct. The plane swap has been rejected. It will also be the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel which is creating Climate Emergency, as gas and petrol are part of the story. Thank you so much for this! My face is now the colour of the Emperors robes. It is classically the employer, a powerful client or colleague; sometimes a dominating husband. Money laundering is going to end. Unfixing the fixed means, losing your old life budget as it was before 2018, when Uranus in Taurus arrived. In the immediate future it will find itself under the monster once again? Thank you! Please do not worry about Sweden. Thoughts on creativity, writing career. At the end of the article The Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio of January 19th 2022 you showed the Emperor tarot card in the paragraph Letting the tarot talk and asked What do you think? Nostradamus prediction for the war between Russia and Ukraine? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is about to go through 1938 and 1939 again. It was also based on money laundering, which explains the insane property prices in London and other cities. Hi Jessica, superb article. Which is heartbreaking because hes such a rare precious commodity when it comes to politicians (and the notorious bad image theyve earned for themselves). Yes, it will be like Afghanistan in some ways. Any leadership in Bulgaria which is corrupt, dominating or over-powerful will have gone from March 2023 and be history by 2024. You can look at previous articles on Uranus in Taurus going back to 2017. Thank you for this Jessica , after the 2 last years the last thing the world needed was a war Hi Jessica I think you will find that Jacinda Ardern will play her part in helping to guide the new NATO with members and non-members and that will make a solid difference. Despite Russias threat, I am more worried about China, particularly its designs in the Pacific region. This combination of Yogas in Capricorn is the main reason for the war. As my father (born on 1937 Latvia, deported to Siberia on 1949, returned in 1960s) said As long as we have our land and hands, well have food and warm house He died 5 years ago, but now, going through all those more and less global things on my own with two kids, I remeber every story from my family tree memories (Theyre collected until around 1860s), how my grandfather got whole family back from Siberia, how his brothers and uncles survived WW1. That is just a random example. Wolodymyr Selenskyj: January 25, 1978, 2pm (Astro-databank, Rodden Rating A) So we now know the Ukraine President was the actor who was the voice of Paddington Bear. My country offers now shelter for hundreds of foreign students who leave Ukraine as we speak. This is now happening to Ukraine. Charlie Chaplin played Adolf Hitler in The Great Dictator. Still made mistakes. McDonalds is still in Moscow. Russia will lose the war against Ukraine, possibly by the end of this year, the former head of the United States Army in Europe has told the Daily Express.Speaking According to Hamilton-Parker, this war will be sparked by a growing divide between the country's religious factions, with hardline conservatives on one side and more moderate elements on the other. Copyright 2023, Thierry, I suggest you give yourself a Tarot and Oracle reading for this intensely personal question. It is happening to you now and because you are heavily Aquarian you are feeling it. The possibilities of nuclear conflict. If you do have anything in Taurus in your Second House of money saved and money made, you will gain. Astrologer Vlad Ross, who is popular in Ukrainian media, says that Putin is "gravely ill" and "will not survive past March 2023". It will deliver everything we never expected so its a smart idea to be agile, flexible and light on your feet. I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. Thank you for your insight. With Finland we also go back to 1938 and of course by 1938 the Nazi-Soviet pact led to a Soviet invasion of Finland with brave resistance. Can you believe it? Thank you, Jessica, for your answer! Could you please reply in general for benifit of all, how this Uranus and north node in Taurus will affect Scorpio moon signs and people having stellium in Scorpio. Hard short-term, but the solution long-term. Before that point you are likely to see a few obstacles to jump so I recommend you both have a look at your cards, as the decisions are yours. So have some aspects of the longer run. 4. Aquarius has always been the sign ruling allies who pool their resources. This gives me hope. This is the very last year the world has to put up with it. What are the ramifications of this war as per astrology? To interact with the Astrologer during live session, Shubh Muhurat And Festivals of March 2022. The war on Ukraine could be the excuse for Putins fall. hi Jessica, Exalted Mars will impact the next four years, affecting the entire world. Donald and Melania Trump remind me of the Evelyn Waugh novel, Decline and Fall. Use the Tarot for your own reading on your own Facebook stock as its your personal situation then use The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle to validate that for yourself, as its obviously your decision. You mention Putin however what about Zelensky? the volatility of the stock market. The first one was published on 12th April 2018 here and the second one appeared on 2nd June 2021 here. What the world will look like after the war. Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information as is without warranty of any kind. This would fit with the years 2022 and 2023 which are extremely rare, hark back to 1938 and 1939, and show short-term tests for us all, financially with supply shortages, inflation but ultimately it would save the planet. The real problem for Putin, though, is Saturn at 11 Taurus in that 1999 chart. Well, 1999 was the year that Russia joined forces with Belarus. He had forecast a clear majority for the BJP in Uttar Pradesh and the Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab. We also saw Credit Suisse exposed in a shock leak with all her wartime links shown up. You need method and order, ritual and routine, a satisfying workload, productive housework, daily fitness and the right food/drink to feel completely at home in the world, and although 2022 is hard work, 2023 will be better and could transform you, actually. We cannot find the blog about Russia that you posted in March. I have always struggled to understand the balance of power and money. I am sure you are very worried about what is happening, and I am sorry you have to go through it. Fascinating article! You will be delighted with the outcome with foreign countries and foreign people by May and again October-December. This is a tough time for that, and of course, it is partly caused by COVID-19. It should turn up on Search. Looks like your account has been deactivated. That will happen in a way wherein Mars will portray itself poised to use its own negative energy to fight the ill-effects within and, thus, not impact other planets or houses and their impacts. India's credibility will therefore increase. Thats odd. Why? Ukraine has pushed the Comments over 13,500 so the queue has become quite long, so your message would have been received, but just not seen to date. I am also going through a difficult time in my life. Rodden Rating A is good; Rodden Rating AA is better. And its unpredictable and revolutionary. Petrol prices are indeed rising due to this conflict so who knows? You are a Sun Gemini with a big Gemini stellium and may want to do a lot of research before you move. You are now going back to Europe from Asia and have concerns about that. Using the Russia astrology chart (below) but also financial charts for Moscow, it is possible to see the first week of March 2022 as rock-bottom for the Russian Norway is always protected, as she has Jupiter in Taurus, thank goodness. She has been Pisces, Libra and now Taurus at three different stages in her history. You are the calm voice in a crazy world. Thank you. Im too sad right now to be optimistic honestly. With Ukraine keen on joining NATO, Russia wanted to ensure Ukraine never joins hands with the organization. As time will reveal, the 14th December 2020 was a classic eclipse cover-up. The 7th house, which is the significator of war in Mundane Astrology, is also afflicted and this will lead to circumstances whereby the country will face agonies and setbacks. My daughter has Venus at 27 Capricorn and Cupido at 12 Pisces and I see there are conjunctions on both of these aspects this week. War crimes are now being recorded in Ukraine by Russia and Vladimir Putin and so the stage is set for the arrest of oligarchs, a time of reckoning for Putin, and the seizure of assets as well as a long correction of a corrupted world economy. You are solely responsible for what you post., Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. You talk about a tough slog economically for the whole world through 2026, which is frustrating after we have already been through so much uncertainty due to COVID. Its quite hard to write about the astrology of Uranus in Taurus without sounding like Karl Marx, but we have to be true to the horoscope trends. What about Ukraines accession to the EU? Thats just the start. I have been working remotely and looking to travel while I work, but most important is to find work or engage where I can support environmental justice, empower people and help non-human animals. Although it will be a very chaotic end, its the end nonetheless. A very smart move, is to turn to your local area, read the town/city/region and read the room in terms of what people want and need. If yes, connect with Astro Rajdep Panditand get quick and apt solutions. I am a triple Libra. (MENAFN- PowerFortunes) PowerFortunes has just released astrology predictions about the future of the Russia Ukraine war. Aquarius is the EU, the UN, NATO. I wonder if you would have an advice for me. Will we possibly see Boris Johnson & co post May 2022 be dragged into Putins hearing at the Hague if/when hes tried for war crimes. A leadership change is coming and with it, the end of Russian money laundering through London property and business. Have a look at The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and the Smith Waite Tarot to see what would happen if you pursued more/different physical activity. Due to this, many countries of the world will be embroiled in conflict, especially some countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Burma. We cant control that timing; people power can (let McDonalds know how you feel). We need to wait and see what happens with Russias access to SWIFT banking but given her chart Id say that the world will agree to block her. Its about government support. If it bears nothing more than a very uncanny coincidence or whatever it may be called, hope it is only that. I have never forgotten my trip to Moscow, it was like Alice in Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole, but with the wonder. Savings are something you have to decide for yourself: the Tarot can help you with your own personal reading, on this website. Thank you for all your posts and informed writings. Life will be unpredictable in 2022, 2023 and sometimes the world will turn upside-down in front of your eyes, but ultimately Bulgaria will get rid of a lot of problems that are not her fault, but come from the wider European picture. Thank you. I am planning to move off of the mainland USA this year permanently but wondering if I should stay put? If this could escalate into World War III. This will be marked with the unfolding of events that will provide opportunities for creating circumstances that may bring a hold on the war and lead towards the direction of normalcy, which would happen gradually. The dasa is of Jupiter/Venus. You must mean the feature on Russia alone. Why? The Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act, cryptocurrency and blockchain will all be central to what happens. are you suggesting cryptocurrency will crash too or the inverse, that people will put their money into digital crypto money as the old world fiat money banking system collapses? I believe Vladimir Putin will turn on his heel and retreat once he is confronted with the reality of one or more solid groups; NATO, the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the EU. You can find that story on Search. He clearly waited until the Beijing Olympics were finished in order to win the covert support of his partner in crime, Jinping. Transiting Neptune at 20, 21, 22 Pisces in January, February 2022 (the crucial first two months of the attack on Ukraine by Putin) aspected the 20 Taurus IC (Immum Coeli) and 20 Scorpio MC (Midheaven) of Ukraine. 2 min read . Russian oil. The Ukraine is holding its own and their courage is inspiring. Rates. It has already begun. Share. For detailed information regarding how your life and fortune will take a turn due to the global events, connect with Astro Rajdeep Pandit today! But even though the major countries of the world, including America, will continue to strive for world peace, all their efforts will prove to be a simple misapprehension. I hope that is helpful, Robin. I agree, the fall of Vladimir Putin is just a matter of time. The odd man out is the United Kingdom. Using the Russia astrology chart (below) but also financial charts for Moscow, it is possible to see the first week of March 2022 as rock-bottom for the Russian economy. Could you help me understand do you see Latvia role or conflict with Russia here? I feel the planet will be here for my precious granddaughters so thank you very much, Do you think the War in Ukraine will last a longtime ? What do you think about Bulgaria in the light of these events close to us. WebThe devastating Ukraine war can be analyzed astrologically and it can be interesting to see how the planetary movements are delivering karmas on this planet earth. It was the red of the robe that jumped out at me and made me think of the red star, red flag, hammer and sickle, little red book, the colour associated with communism. I am so excited I found your site with all this information not only in articles, but in comments as well. Germany is on the road to solar, wind and alternative energy. The chart for Norway ties into the other astrological charts Ive seen for Sweden, Lithuania, Moldova, and so on. The sunflower is a good symbol for Ukraine. I cant remember when I first published a prediction about that, but it may have been 2018. Nostradamus was a clairvoyant who saw newspaper headlines, centuries into the future, in his visions. Thank you so much. In the short term, the issue for Norway with Ukraine-Russia is purely financial. Overall, Russias position in Ukraine is stable, though it expends substantial resources securing its territorial gains. Both 1 and especially 2 will impact the market. Nostradamus says it will be a massive long war, 25 to 29 years, followed by smaller wars," he said. A lot of people want Pluto in Capricorn to leave. Call it a detox. How will it go on for me and for Germany? There is a lot of nonsense online about World War Three and Russia. What will happen, and what will affect Sweden, is supply shortages, rations and temporary breaks in the old economic system. So, your budget is unstable, unpredictable, erratic and sometimes liberating good news but it will not be until you are past 2022 and 2023 that you feel you can start to settle. Women in charge, helps any group find more power and control, from March 2023, as they take their place alongside men. With women, front-and-centre. Based on your prediction, I think I will sell before March 6th as well! Sometimes in astrology a lot of transits come together all at once. If we pull back to the bigger astrological picture of the Twenties then it is about a radical change in the world economy by 2026. Russia has Aquarius Ascendant and Capricorn Moon sign. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy.. I have never felt the need to learn to drive as I always had a feeling we would return to using horse and cart as a means of transport again. You express yourself through your work ethic, workload, lifestyle, housework and your health and wellbeing, fitness and mental health have a direct line to your feelings about your job, studies or unpaid work at any time. And in 2023, next year, the karma for Poland will be 1939. AHO ASE AMEEN AMEN. It is, however, a massive global economy detox. I agree with you, the bravery of the people of Ukraine is inspiring. These students usually spend one or two days in Romania warm welcomed by the Romanians who offer them food and shelter until they find a flight to take them home. This reveals details of: Thank you. So, what seems to be emerging here is a global boycott of Russia and China. ! All rights reserved. Their day is done. You are a Sun Aries with a stellium in Aries in your First House so you need yoga, Pilates or similar. Kind regards. You may even decide against NY in the end. I am sure you do feel as if life is like a war. I don't know my Moon Sign. Best wishes, Simon. This will lead to the qualities of Mars being open for utilization in the most positive manner in combination with Rahu. Then it is possible to get timing. Can you please reshare? The American stockmarket was always going to be volatile and you need to speak to your advisor. Well, maybe not such a shock if you use astrology. ASTROLOGOIST Nostradamus, who is said to have correctly foreseen the Ukraine war, apparently predicted a doomsday World War Three scenario for 2023. This is already showing up as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Shes owed. And looking at the spirit and resolve of the Ukrainian people, I can also see the (Sunflower?) Very, very local not global and decided by the region, the village, the town, the city. We never expected so its a smart idea to be agile, flexible light! Who saw newspaper headlines, centuries into the future, in his visions decide for yourself: Tarot! Of people want Pluto in Capricorn is the EU, the karma for Poland will be a very coincidence. ( Sunflower? also based on money laundering, which explains the insane property prices in London and cities! 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