Keep checking and don't give up. Request a copy of the seller's ticket receipt and ask to see a. You can sell them a variety of ways, but would avoid Craigslist as others have stated. Did you ever get an answer to your question? Why can't I sign up to Tixel from my country? After you chose tickets to sell, use a price slider to adjust your selling price. integration means you can list tickets for resale directly from your for all major ticketing companies, We use cookies to make your experience on Tixel better. Be very careful about posting your tickets for sale on more than one site. Search at, the number one source for concerts, sports, arts, theater, theatre, broadway shows, family event tickets on online. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Update as promised - I lucked out and a friend ended up wanting the ticket, but before I updated my post, someone from one of the local subreddits I posted in inboxed me expressing interest (about 36 hours after my post). Basically, youre going to use Vivid to handle the exchange of money. Listing tickets from your account. I couldn't post in DC where the show is being held due to the sub's rules, but I could post in nearby Silver Spring., Sold tickets without having setup Payment Information. Any help would be very much appreciated. You can skip all of the online marketplaces from the start (or after other plans fail to work). You can look up your tickets on My Events.. Set your price 3. I just got extra tickets for my friends but can't transfer them until **2 days** before the event! Selling Resale tickets. I have a lot of faith that most people are good, and especially after chatting with this guy for a few minutes I didn't detect anything out of the ordinary at all. Ask him for a valid eBay sellers account. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Our I have a simular situation with tickets from Ticketmaster that are not transferable or selling option. Since I had used it before (and he gave me all the details) I wasn't that concerned with it. Different ways to list my ticket on Tixel? The gist is the same as StubHub, but Vivid Seats is a little less regulated. is not on the list, No matter how big your family or how popular you might be, the number of friends and family you have available to buy your tickets pales in comparison to the potential buyers on the digital marketplaces. I don't understand this part - doesn't the bank have federal ID tied to each account? They are absolutely not. Ticketmaster wont let me re-sell the tickets and they never refund, which I'm well aware of (so I can forget that)! You can actually use StubHub to sell Ticketmaster tickets that are not available for reselling. You are not selling the tickets via Ticketmaster, only transferring. ensure that we can accurately measure how our website is used. Re: Selling a ticket I bought on Ticketmaster Hi Electric Check to make sure that you can transfer your ticket from your Ticketmaster account. Step 2 Search Craigslist for other tickets sold by the same seller and look to see if anyone has posted complaints about fake tickets. This is a destination concert. I opened a dispute and fraud investigation with my bank. Functional cookies how do I know if I really bought tickets and it's not a scam? Since all buyers receive brand new tickets directly in their Ticketmaster accounts, these transactions are 100% protected. I've probably conducted hundreds of similar online and craigslist transactions and have never been scammed. Ticketmaster is one of the worlds largest ticketing companies you can see Ticketmaster events everywhere from Boston to Brisbane, from ice hockey matches to jazz concerts. Despite all of the limitations that might be attached to your tickets, there are times when you cant use them, and you want options. See an example below. I have two tickets for an event in PA in mid-April. The email includes the event details (like the time, date, and location) along with a verification of your purchase. The good news is selling your tickets on Ticketmaster is easy and secure. Honestly, though, since your show isn't until next October, you probably won't have much luck at all until nearer to the date, unless it sells out. Log on to the Craigslist Web site (see Resources below) and select the link "Post to Classifieds.". Ticketmaster does not sell tickets to Disney theme parks. After all, a great time starts with peace of mind. Otherwise definitely use stubhub. Call his bank and report the fraud, call your bank and file a dispute, call the local police department and report fraud. Its quick and clean, and you dont have to share your email with the friend to make it all work. Does anyone have any experience with this? So, if you want to host an event, but you dont want to learn about digital merchanting and financial security, you could partner with Ticketmaster. Eh, all I had to do was sign a paper stating "I swear under the law this transaction did not deliver as requested" with my bank when I ran a chargeback. The only way to know your tickets are authentic, is to buy Ticketmaster " Verified Tickets " directly from Ticketmaster or Live Nation, or get them at the venue box office. Venues/event organizers will sometimes restrict the ability to transfer until that time to maximize ticket security. If available, select the ticket (s) you want to sell and click Continue. Does anyone know where I can sell! Reduce the selling price of your tickets by the amount paid for convenience fees or handling charges. Press J to jump to the feed. What happens if they accidentally double sell? Theres also an option to sell your tickets the old-fashioned way: to someone you already know. Find your order under the My Tickets section and click See Details or tap My Events on the app. These cookies are set by our 3rd party analytics tool, Segment. Good luck! Trusted by event lovers around the world, Thats the best way to get ripped off. Press J to jump to the feed. This is a great experience for both sellers who get paid right away and the buyers who get as much peace of mind as from primary ticketing channels. Im only discussing how this works with Ticketmaster tickets. How do I sell Ticketmaster non-transferable Ticket sale of ticketmaster digital wallet tickets, User Agreement, Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice, Customer service all the way to your seat. This is why Tixel is the safest place to buy and sell Ticketmaster tickets. When you list with us, we help manage your entire transaction, from listing, to transfers, to getting paid. We had occasions where tickets got sold a couple of minutes after they got listed, how cool is that? This is why parts of his story were SO smart in hindsight. I dont have access to a pdf ticket or a bar code, how are all these other people able to sell their tickets on seatgeek and I'm not? If Ticketmaster turns on their resale option you can use that as itll be the easiest manner for you to do so, otherwise listing them on Stubhub or Vivid Seats would be your best options. Try telling a Mom of 6 at a Bieber concert that she bought photocopies. Post on NextDoor (neighborhood social media site - it's actually useful for all kinds of stuff if you're not on it). Because Tixel is a platform for fans selling tickets to other fans, not for scalpers or scammers to make a profit! on Ticketmaster, you can sell it on Tixel. Have you ever found yourself wanting to sell your tickets on Ticketmaster but unsure of where to begin? tl;dr: I got ripped off by a total pro. Introducing Ticketmaster's Face Value Ticket Exchange, an artist-driven marketplace where fans can sell their tickets to other fans at face value. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. The email also has a barcode and/or a QR code that you will need to get into most events. If you wait too long, they may change their minds about buying. If you bought it Worst case, take screen shots of your mobile ticket and email to stubhub and they will provide to your buyer. You then transfer the tickets to them via Ticketmaster. In my recent experience, Ticketmaster opened the event for reselling tickets about two weeks before the event. 1 Reply Fun_Switch3 1 yr. ago Tickets to any event or show can be listed here and you can increase your chances of selling by posting an interesting ad. Ticketmaster 2023. ^From another comment. PDF tickets from Ticketmaster. Re: How do I sell Ticketmaster non-transferable Tickets. When you make a purchase via Ticketmaster, you get a digital confirmation. I am unfamiliar with how to sell tickets, so I guess i need to go on craigslist and start posting? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. After the switch, you will enter the email address you use to access the community in order to reset your password. You will enter your community username and new password and done! Ticketmaster keeps track of the digital tickets they sell internally. All rights reserved. It is NOT: "" I transferred him money through Zelle (I used Wells Fargo, he used Bank of America.) People use the site and/or app all the time to try to sell tickets they cant use. Heres how to use Ticketmaster tickets that you cant resell or transfer: In some cases, you can sell the tickets on StubHub, but typically, this wont work for non-transferable tickets. Ticketmaster should let you resell your tickets on their site if they have verified resale on the event. 27 febrero, 2023 . How to Get Tickets to Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band, Super Bowl Halftime Shows: Iconic Performances of Years Past. That is the only way you can be 100% sure the tickets you receive are real and will get you in. He disappeared. I had no idea I had to look out for this, but i forked out $700 for two tickets. Chrome) might open the PDF file instead of downloading it. choose the site nearest you: charlottesville; danville; eastern shore; fredericksburg; harrisonburg; lynchburg; new river valley - blacksburg, christiansburg, radford . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. My company You should be able to add your mobile ticket to your wallet (if you have an iphone). If you arent already familiar with Ticketmaster, we can take a few minutes to learn about how it works. Try TickPick and pay NO fees ever: buy tickets and postseason reservations on Lunatix, check out available inventory: up for Rakuten and start earning cash-back on every single ticket purchase: #tmresale #howtoselltickets Tixel is a safe ticket marketplace to trade tickets from Ticketmaster. Once you have your PDF file ready, click Sell tickets in the top menu, you will be presented with a file upload dialogue: You can simply drag your PDF file over to the grey box, or you can click on it and choose the file the old fashion way. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Its easy to sell your verified tickets in 3 steps with Ticketmaster: List Your Tickets, Price Your Tickets, Get Paid! Typically, when you attend the event, there will be people there to scan codes to confirm that tickets are real. They handle the technical stuff, and you run the event. Craigslist Alternatives Blog Contact About Buying Tickets on Craigslist by nickg August 31, 2010January 16, 2021 I saw a news story about people getting scammed using Craigslist to buy tickets. But buyers need to be aware of scams when using the site, especially when it comes to buying tickets to concerts, games, and other events. I now want to sell my old tickets and break even, but the only option i have is to transfer since i bought it as a resale. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ticketmaster's Face Value Ticket Exchange is free to use for buyers and sellers. If Ticketmaster . I'm just worried that something will happen between now and September and I'll be stuck with extra tickets, as opposed to just transferring them now and having them venmo me. However, it's important to say that I had really extenuating circumstances. The StubHub software makes it pretty easy. These are very expensive tickets and not something I can afford to absorb. If you can then you can list on Stubhub. In and out in 5 minutes. are therefore always enabled. Confirm that the name on the seller's ID matches the name on the ticket invoice. I had the same issue with Ticketmaster (among other issues with them that justreally grind my gears, to say the least). Here's how: Sign in to your original ticket provider's account and find the tickets for the event you want to transfer. What if I am just giving my ticket to a friend and need to name change it or have found a buyer privately? If you encounter a suspicious-looking email or website that claims to be from Ticketmaster, do not respond or reply to it. Thats it after the final confirmation, your ticket listing goes live! Because of that, there are ways to sell non-transferable tickets on Vivid Seats. I have one ticket to sell for a Rage Against the Machines concert on August 12th at MGS, nyc. Found a poster offering (3) floor seats for $150/ea about an hour before the show (face value.) You should see something like this: Now just click "View Tickets". sports, food & drink, arts, festivals, conferences, seminars, and more. If you have additional questions or concerns, feel free to send us a DM and we'll be happy to assist! He said this was the service he was most comfortable with. These cookies are critical to the basic site functionality of Tixel and Can someone please help me with Steps on how to sell a ticket I bought on Ticketmaster? If you wait too long, they may change their minds about buying. If the button doesn't appear, is grayed out or you receive a message that the Event Organizer hasn't activated . Reselling them sounds pretty nice, but there are exclusions that are supposed to make that impossible. Here is link to FAQs about listing 04-21-2022 04:28 PM 0 Reply Tixel is the best way to sell Ticketmaster tickets to genuine buyers at a fair price. Download it on Ticketmaster website, go to My Account, then View All Orders and click on the order containing the ticket you would like to sell. Sign in to your Ticketmaster Account. Check to make sure that you can transfer your ticket from your Ticketmaster account. I can't report on results or what worked best as I just did all this yesterday, but I can come back and let you know. Visit Your first stop should always be . As long as you provide that to the person who buys your tickets, it all works out. events. Im showing you how the process normally works. Craigslist can be helpful when youre on the hunt for certain things. He called me right away and tried to negotiate for the $450 amount but I held my ground. Its easy to sell your verified tickets in 3 steps with Ticketmaster: List Your Tickets, Price Your Tickets, Get Paid! Select an area from the available list or "Suggest a New One" to narrow down your location even further. Forward the email along with your phone Second best is Facebook fan page. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You can give your ticket to a friend by using the digital transfer method available with Ticketmaster. No bad vibes, just money back for any Ticket upload. Analytical cookies event Ticketmaster Tickets No Resell Nor Transfer: How to Sell? Can I update the information on my Tixel account once I have verified my account (inc email, contact number, address)? Tixel is the best way to sell Ticketmaster tickets to genuine buyers at a fair Fill in the posting information box, including a title, description and email address. No upcoming Good luck! Thats how you get around the resale limitation. Navigate to My Events and select the event to view your tickets. Yeah, I agree, this dude was smart and wanted you to be the one to suggest an electronic transfer. Step 2 Stay firm on your ticket price only if you must. The same as buying original tickets from the primary ticketing website. ensure that we can accurately measure how our website is used. NOTE: If the Transfer button is grayed out, your tickets are not eligible for transfer. In order to move the tickets faster, you may consider dropping the price 10 to 20 percent off face value. Transfer with the Ticketmaster App. That account is linked with a REAL PERON'S Identity. Click the Sell button next to your event in My Account* 2. I looked at my mobile tickets and realized there is no option to transfer or sell the tickets. Hi all! As far as Ticketmaster knows, youre giving away the tickets for free. The risk here is that people could lie and upload the wrong QR code. Click the Sell Tickets button or the Sell button on the app. The easiest way to sell your Ticketmaster ticket on Tixel is to upload the Print-at-home PDF file. That will help inform the situation, why some tickets are harder to resell than others, and what you can do about it. These include cookies that allow you to be Select the tickets you want to transfer. So if you see someone posing as Ticketmaster and selling tickets to Disney World in Florida or Disneyland in California, you can be certain they are not legit. When you sell to someone you already know, you overcome a few trust issues from the start. These claims are fraudulent, as transactions are between users only. If you can then you can list on Stubhub. User Agreement, Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice, Customer service all the way to your seat. After the switch, you will enter the email address you use to access the community in order to reset your password. Good luck! Once you find the ticket, you can click on the Sell button right next to it. Of course you file a police report and give that to the bank. Here is link to FAQs about listing Also, if either bank comes back with a response you don't like, immediately file a complaint with the cfpb. European PhDs: How Recognized in the U.S.? They recommended that I call the actual venue and talk them about it. We are changing the way you register and sign-in to the StubHub Community. Sell Your Tickets Step 1 Reply to potential buyer's emails immediately to capitalize on their interest. Inquiries must be made via email or by phone. In these situations, we often see the option to transfer becoming available closer to the event date. You can skip some of the pages/tickets (if your PDF file has multiple pages/tickets) later on on Tixel. Phone off, no responses to email, nothing. When will I get paid? Hi there! Ticketmaster should let you resell your tickets on their site if they have verified resale on the event. How Do I Verify Tickets I Am Buying Off Craigslist. remembered as you explore the site, as well as assisting in security I ended up calling Stubhub and spoke to an agent. Until then relive all the glory and highlights fr UPDATE (Feb 14): Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band have added new dates to their 2023 tour! Concerts, comedy shows, 4th of July celebrations, and just about anything else that would want to sell tickets for attendance can use Ticketmaster. 2018-2023 Tixel Pty Ltd. ACN 625 710 581, The safest way to resell tickets to any I purchased the tickets in December 2020. I didn't receive them and called him back, he answered right away and said he had initiated the transfer and it might just take a few minutes? Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. Very easy shitty way to make money. Its all pretty easy, and when the ticket is purchased, Ticketmaster will automatically handle the transfer. Analytical cookies For added safety, ask the. Scammers can manipulate an emails subject line, from name, and address. How to transfer your ticket to your buyer, Four Tet + Squidsoup - Alexandra Palace Resale FAQ, We use cookies to make your experience on Tixel better. SafeTix are able to be sold on TickPick that is the only one I've found. 1. See my other comment in this post that detailed all the methods I used to try to resell mine. If you cant buy up a bunch of tickets to resell them, then the whole profit model of the scheme falls apart. Would love advice on selling tix/is there another forum I should upload this on? Phone number seems equally fruitless. However, sometimes the event organiser will request that tickets are not resold. In this case, find this toolbar and click on the middle download icon. They asked me to email them and they forwarded it to the promoter. But, when all other things fail, selling to a friend or family member is pretty easy. So, if youre hurting for a way to unload some tickets, you can explore those extra options as you see fit. Because of this, Ticketmaster is widely used, and its easy to find online. My next best option is trying to sell my two tickets! You can purchase tickets at the Ticketmaster site, and the event site, and on associated apps. Not eligible for resale and non-transferable are two separate categories, and StubHub does not have an automated way to overcome non-transferable tickets. Never sell tickets or buy tickets on Craigslist. 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