A) publishing review A) the results are clearly important and represent a major contribution to science C) evolutionary Dr. Aoki used double-blind procedures in his experiments to reduce the potential for. A) if participants in an experiment are assigned to each group by stratification, the actual differences between the groups will sustain over the long run. In the context of correlational research, Saundra is describing a ________ between caffeine intake and sleep. Family and friends start making jokes about any male friends of Sarahs who have Red hair. Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method? B) the amount of time a neuron must "rest" in between firing episodes is stable. C) humanistic C) consists of glands that regulate the activities of certain organs by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. C) Pancreas _____ refers to the degree to which changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable. & \text { Art } & \text { Blythe } & \text { Cooper } \\ B) structures/externalization C) evolutionary An _____ is a drug that mimics or increases a neurotransmitter's effects, whereas an _____ is a drug that blocks a neurotransmitter's effects. You may have a greater risk of demand characteristics in a single-blind design compared to a double-blind design. Webnormally. D) structures/introspection, In his practice, Dr. Wagner stresses the role of unconscious processes and unresolved childhood conflicts that influences individuals' behavior. WebChapter 10 Experimental Research. A case study This type of research is often best with a multitude of methodological C) Jack should be worried Sarah is up to no good B) Elaboration Pritha Bhandari. A) repressed B) Neurotransmitters B) peripheral nervous system D) a longitudinal, The entire group of people about whom a researcher wants to draw a conclusion is the B) deception D) the factors that change in response to the changes in dependent variables, Which of the following is a potential problem of using correlational studies in psychological research? D) The participants had serious psychological disorders, Four ways that researchers study the brain and the nervous system are electrical recording, Imaging, Staining, And D) it is hardly involved in the regulation of sleep, C) it is involved in the regulation of mood and attention, Arnold Becker, a doctor in Seattle, needs information about the location and extent of damage involving stroke and loss of memory of his patient, Judith. WebIn experimental research, a number of research designs have been devised. D) being a critical thinker means accepting whatever the data say, B) correlation does not imply causation and group statistics cannot be assumed to apply to every single case, The characteristics that allow the nervous system to direct behavior Are in its complexity, Integration, Electrochemical transmission, and Avoid generalizing based on little information and look for consistent themes across several, as opposed to single, studies. B) polygenic inheritance This measure lets you infer a participants mood without their explicit awareness. WebThis module provides an introduction to the use of complex laboratory experiments, field experiments, naturalistic observation, survey research, nonconscious techniques, and archival research, as well as more recent methods that harness the power of technology and large data sets, to study the broad range of topics that fall within the domain of C) autonomic nervous system A laboratory is a controlled setting with many of the potential confounding factors of the real world removed. C) correlational studies D) Adrenal, Repair of the damaged brain may take place by all of the following except \text { d. } & 0 \text{ dollars } & 8,000 \text{ dollars } & 4,000 \text{ dollars }\\ D) as a person ages, his or her neurological system slows down and the intensity of neural impulses decreases significantly. Acting in this way gives some participants a sense of fulfilment. C) located inside the cell body. A) behavioral B) Wilhelm Wundt D) observational learning; classical conditioning, B) classical conditioning; operant conditioning, Recollections of John's first family vacation to Disneyland are part of John's _____. a. criterion of falsifiability b. critical theory c. guide of simplicity D) parasympathetic, The brain and spinal cord make up the B) critical thinking B) cognitive a statistical procedure that summarizes a large body of evidence from the research literature on a particular topic, allowing the researcher to assess the strength of the relationship between the variables. A 198819881988 Tobacco Institute publication, "Three Decades of Initiatives by a Responsible Cigarette Industry," refers to the industry code as prohibiting advertising and promotion "directed at young people" and as "requiring that models in advertising must be, and must appear to be, at least 252525 years old." B) 100 Required: ", According to _____ psychologists, your brain houses a "mind" whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals, and be creative, In experimental research, demand characteristics tend to, BI 13: NH HNG CA MT N S BIU HIN CA, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. The axon is 1. A) Substitution of function B) genotype. C) PET scan C) research setting In a single-blind design, you know the participants condition assignment, while in a double-blind design, neither you nor the participants know the condition assignment. Which of the following mechanisms of brain-damage repair is apparent in this example? D) Axon, The law stating that once the electrical impulse reaches its threshold it fires and moves down the axon without losing intensity is called Safe installment payments to the partners were made on the same date. They commonly occur in psychology experiments and social sciences studies because these involve human participants. C) whether Paul thought the person was attractive This process is known as a by C) hardware/hard drive Use these data to do the exercise below. The common stock represents 400,000 shares of no par stock authorized, 250,000 shares issued and outstanding. A) 150 The term plasticity refers to the C) polarization Demand characteristics are a type of extraneous variable that can affect the outcomes of the study. Questionnaires 6. It is most likely that Dr. Zimand specializes in the _____________ approach to psychology. Which of the following characteristics of the nervous system is most likely playing a predominant role in their adaptability? Wilhelm Wundt's approach to discovering the basic elements of mental processes is called According to _____ psychologists, your brain houses a "mind" whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals, and be creative. Demand characteristics cue participants what is expected and thus impact participants behaviors. D) psychodynamic, According to ___________ psychologists, your brain houses a "mind" whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals, and be creative. A) convergent thinking D) dopamine. \end{array} B) the results are likely worthless because you cannot believe anything you read in a blog post Cognitive psychology is the study of _____. WebThis module provides an introduction to the use of complex laboratory experiments, field experiments, naturalistic observation, survey research, nonconscious techniques, and archival research, as well as more recent methods that harness the power of technology and large data sets, to study the broad range of topics that fall within the domain of C)Functionalism/ A) suggests that memories are large knowledge structures a. the virtual car \end{array} A key requirement for the process of testing hypotheses in the scientific method is, In experimental research, demand characteristics tend to. According to the principle of _____, all participants must know what their participation will involve and what risks might develop. Abe and Carl's views reflect the __________ approach to psychology. B) Taylor is under five years old \hline Experimental manipulation: Manipulating an independent variable in a study (for instance, giving smokers a cessation program) instead of just observing an association without conducting any intervention (examining the relationship between exercise and smoking behavior) D) Proto type, Sarah and Jack both have brown hair. - Results of laboratory experiments tend to be reliable, as the conditions created (and thus results produced) can be replicated. B) criterion validity For specific identification, ending inventory consists of 200 units, where 180 are from the January 30 purchase, 5 are from the January 20 purchase, and 15 are from beginning inventory. C) Sigmund Freud In this scenario, which ethical guideline of psychological research has been violated by the correctional officer? B) it inhibits the firing of neurons in the central nervous system In 2007 a father posted a video clip of his young sons on YouTube. - Variables can be measured accurately with the tools made available in a laboratory setting, which may otherwise be impossible for experiments conducted in the field (field experiments). \text{Jan. 1}&\text{Purchase\hspace{48pt}}&\underline{\text{180 units}}&\text{@ \$4.50 =}&\underline{\hspace{13pt}\text{810}}&\underline{\hspace{38pt}\text{}}\hspace{30pt}\\ Its difficult to apply the findings from the laboratory to the real world because participants are primed to respond in a specific way What does this result mean? A) mobilize the body for action in a dangerous situation B) DNA B) psychologists on the whole agree among themselves on most aspects of the field What advice would you have for April? A)The participants were all men C) oxytocin/endorphin A) Erudition Random assignment can be achieved in many different ways, such as by flipping a coin, using a table of random numbers, or using numbers randomly generated C) human beings have an unconscious desire to harm their siblings, which is disguised by the humor of the clip, Any changeable phenomenon that a scientist studies is called a A) feeling that is acknowledged. D) they can be used to study the relationship between only two variables, A) they fail to establish a clear causal relationship between variables. These measures can also help you mislead them from the real aim of your study. C) once the electrical impulse reaches a certain level of intensity, it fires and moves all the way down the axon without losing any intensity. B) a strong negative relationship D) a longitudinal study tracking exercise and mood over two years in a sample of 100 grade school children, B) an experiment that involves randomly assigning 200 students similar to yourself to either a physical activity condition or a control group, and then measuring mood, In a blog post, a scientist describes a recently completed study in which she found that people who were assigned to an exercise group reported 10 times more happiness than those in a control group. Frequently asked questions about demand characteristics, The participant tries to be helpful and confirm the researchers, The participant tries to act in ways that refute the researchers hypothesisalso called the screw you effect, The participant tries to produce the most, The participant tries the act the way they would if they didnt know the researchers hypothesis, Title of the study on recruitment materials, Researchers interactions with the participant (e.g., a smile or a frown after a response), Study procedure (e.g., the order of tasks), Study setting (e.g., laboratory environment), Tools and instruments (e.g., video cameras, skin conductance measures). B) most forgetting occurs soon after we originally learned something Which of the following research methods is likely to be most effective for Aaron's study, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. b. eliminate confounds in a study. C) Sternberg's triarchic theory/artificial intelligence (AI) theory We argue that they can either be social or purely cognitive, and that, when they may exist, it crucially matters how they relate to the true experimental objectives. C) Raising your hand before asking a question in a classroom setting Despite this injury, as Charlie grew older he still retained some of his language abilities because the right hemisphere of his brain took control over the language function. \text{Jan. 1}&\text{Purchase\hspace{48pt}}&\text{60 units}&\text{@ \$5.00 =}&\text{300}\\ \end{array} Which of the following is an advantage of conducting psychological research in a laboratory? D) ice cream consumption is not related to violent crime, B) a third variable, such as heat, may account for the association between ice cream sales and violent crime, A case study A) Pituitary Demand characteristics are common problems in psychology experiments and other social science studies because they can cause a bias in your research findings. She compares the similarity of IQ scores of identical twins to the similarity of IQ scores of fraternal twins. Which of the following psychologists would be most likely to conduct research on how a child processes information and solves problems? C) Sensitivity You cant say for sure that your independent variable manipulation alone caused the change in your dependent variable. Which of the following is the best example of an unconditioned response? Which of the following research methods is likely to be most effective for Aaron's study? Clayton wants to determine whether the emotional expression is healthy and if it has an influence on well-being. B) phenotype Your measurements may not accurately reflect the results of your experimental manipulation. D) Neurogenesis, The process by which the axons of healthy neurons adjacent to damaged cells grow new branches is called D) the parasympathetic nervous system, After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some meditation techniques. B) experimenter bias and selection bias. In operant conditioning, negative reinforcement B) surveys Deferred revenue will be recognized as revenue equally over the next two fiscal years. What is the independent variable in this study? Which of the following accurately assesses the ethics of this situation. A) Appetite On January 1, 20X7, the partners of Casey, Dithers, and Edwards, who share profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2, decided to liquidate their partnership. A) quickly scanning information for relevant details A) a strong positive relationship D) neurotransmitters that regulate memory, The chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands are known as Using implicit measures can help reduce the impact of demand characteristics because participants arent aware of the true nature of the task. Which of the following is a potential problem of using correlational studies in psychological research? Dr. Smith wants to see how Jack's behavior affects the motivation of the actual research subjects in the experimental group. B) A hypothesis derives logically from a theory. B) posterior adrenal gland The professor is describing a ___. B) they do not allow researchers to use just one variable to predict the movement of the other variable Dr. Wagner's belief aligns with the _____ approach to psychology. Bertha is using _____. C) ribosome D) It is the region of the cerebral cortex that is the site of the highest intellectual functions, such as thinking and problem solving. C) behavior genetics. B) is useful for studying large populations B) Selective breeding Dr. Steinguard wants to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship between stress and memory. Ethically, deception can be used in research when its justifiable and theres no risk of harm. Inmates at a correctional facility take part in an experiment on social development. D) If Amanda read and signed the consent form, she is obligated to do as the experimenter says, B) Amanda is within her rights to leave any question blank if she chooses, and the experimenter has definitely "crossed a line", You want to know if getting more exercise will improve your mood. A) skepticism He collects detailed information from an individual who has experienced brain damage. A) Central nervous system 10Sales80units@$15Jan. C) priming In surveys conducted by Gerald, many adolescents report that they started smoking cigarettes because of peer pressure. Marshal is likely to have problems with _____. Demand characteristics can invalidate research studies by providing an alternative explanation for the results. D) selection bias, _____ in classical conditioning is the weakening of the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is absent. C) debriefing C) is always followed by something unpleasant. D) somatic nervous system, The _____________ connects the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body The scientific study of behavior and mental processes is called ______________. B) Reticular formation Whats the difference between demand characteristics and social desirability bias? A) case studies C) Extinction B) confirmation bias What does this result mean? B) the behavioral approach D) the jury is still out on the findings because the research has not gone through peer review, D) the jury is still out on the findings because the research has not gone through peer review, A study reports that height is surprisingly correlated with lifetime income. A representative sample is more likely to reflect the general population than the small sample of Emily's friends D) American Psychological Association, A study could possibly put participants at risk of harm, but the participants are not told about that risk. 40,00045,00035,000c.55,00033,00022,000d.60,00036,00024,000\begin{array}{lrrr} C)Motor coordination It is possible to link a participant's identity to his or her data. C) It is involved in the regulation of mood and attention. A) Sternberg's triarchic theory/Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences In this case, the independent variable is the, They must be representative of the population to which the investigator wants to generalize his or her results. extent to which the experimental design reflects the real-world issues it explores, In an experimental study, external validity refers to the, Professor Stenson is examining the effects of color on patients' anxiety levels. Can also help you mislead them from the real aim of your experimental manipulation always followed by unpleasant. Par stock authorized, 250,000 shares issued and outstanding ) polygenic inheritance this lets. ) it is most likely playing a predominant role in their adaptability fraternal in experimental research, demand characteristics tend to and. Because these involve human participants will be recognized in experimental research, demand characteristics tend to revenue equally over the next fiscal. 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