mirrors facing doors spirits

Set the bed so that the door opens diagonally to the right or left of the bed's foot board on the opposite wall, never straight . So if I will put a big wall mirror of my Dinibg it will face to the living area with a tv attached to the wall. Therefore in feng shui, doors are the portals that control energy and how it flows through your home, from room to room, and from outside the home to inside. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. However, this also reflects our aquarium which is on the other side of the wall across the dining area. Fire: Passion, enthusiasm, boldness, expressiveness. Keeping mirrors in your bedroom will make your room a place for water spirits. Me and my husband just like seeing our reflections while eating at our small dining table. No worries about the family picture. Or does the direction matter when placed outside? i like it because its big. As a result the mirror on the wall ( about 30+ feet) away would be visible from the main entrance door near the foyer. Place Mirrors Perpendicular to the Front Door. We just moved into a new home. Ive read from multiple sources thatmirror facing the desk will work against you. Best regards, anka, Hello Victor, I have a mirror in my powder room. Would that be ok? Or am I really overthinking this? Should I move it?Her house is about 10 ft away from my house so the mirror is about 30 ft away from her windows of her house. Pick your like! Some like it, and some dont. I am of Korean/Chinese descent and my family have always told me about the merits of this ancient practice but never truly embraced it until now. Since ancient times, any shiny surface has been regarded as a spirit doorway and can be used deliberately to summon spirits . Happy Chinese New Year to you! Im 60 yrs old and as far back as I can remember, I have always felt like there is some place Im suppose to go, someone Im suppose to meet and something Im suppose to say to this person. Would you have any advice on this? The mirror will face the white wall in the living room. Will it protect of anything bad that comes from the outside sending it back? In this way, the darkness in your life can be banished. Is there a remedy for this. But I have a dresser mirror that I like. That was removed instantly after reading your article an hour ago. -Victor, There is a small dining wall adjacent to the patio for an open layout. 2. There is a history as to why mirrors and water started as the portals. So, is it ok to have the image of closed door in the mirror all the time? And what about placing a mirror inside of wardrobe? However, sleeping in front of a mirror is delicate. Hi Alex, Just make sure it doesnt face directly to the door. There are a number of Feng Shui masters out there that claim flat mirrors can protect you by deflecting bad energy away and invites positive energy. Mirror placed near the front door is fine as long as it doesnt face the front door. It came to an end in 2011. The front door allows access to you, your guests, and according to superstition good luck and evil spirits. Since I am renovating it, I have an option to remove these mirrors but I love them a lot. I read that it is not advisable to have a mirror behind you. So, if you are going to our master bedroom, our daughters room is on the left and the mirror wall on the right. This is why it is advisable to keep mirrors in your bathroom where there is water. As for the kitchen, its good that the mirror doesnt face the stove. It will also act as a deflector of negative energy, and falls in line with the thinking, "check your energy . Will this make a difference? Sincerely, anka, Hi Anka, Bagua mirrors are usually placed on top of the door. About US | Privacy Policy | Contact Information | Pinterest. -Victor. Do you have any suggestions? Answer (1 of 2): * There's nothing wrong with having a mirror at the foyer or close to the front door. I can not find any info about it, therefore is it a hoax or should I look into it? I dont think it is their deliberate use of Feng Shui. This is where it gets weird! Hi Simran, Its fine to place it at the South wall. Some say that if a mirror is placed on the wall behind the sofa, thesense of security is lost. Also, the entrance area is great to have plants! Saying that can we place a sofa or chairs in front of the glass block tiles? -Victor. The wealth area of a house can be hard to find, but ones wealth vault is easy to identify. Reflect the light. -Victor. Its actually good to have your mirror catching the dining table. Some people even claimed to have seen spirits walk into their bedroom through the mirror. One of the things we look at in feng shui is doors. Hi Leah, Yes, placing a mirror with reflection of beautiful nature is a great idea! Youre fine as long as the mirror doesnt directly reflect the kitchen stove. My haunted ex-boyfriend dropped in wearing a black hooded cape and just tapped his fingers on my dresser. My spouse is 64 and I am 54, so no small mirror should ever be hung, or the shorter partner should just never be reflected? It should also help with your lighting at the basement because of the mirrors reflective properties. Hi Alexis, If you feel happy seeing yourself like this, then youre in good shape! There are a variety of superstitions, rituals and curios that are associated with the front door of one's home. Is it ok? Hi, You dont need a remedy when you keep the door closed! Thats been proven btw. As of today I havent gotten over all the things he did and said to me. The only clues I have been told is that when I get where ever Im suppose to go Ill know them and they will know me. Legend has it that an old broom will sweep away the good luck, and common sense dictates that . The front door, it's the primary entrance to your home. -Victor. (To Feng Shui Masters that are reading this, correct me if Im wrong by commenting below.). Is this ok? Do not hang a mirror that: Most importantly, not everything in your home is a feng shui object. Heres more info for your reference: https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/two-mirrors-facing-each-other-bathroom/ -Victor. What about a mirror facing a garage door that opens into the house? Hope you can share some recommendation how to correct it. If two mirrors are facing each other in your room, it is believed that you will lack motivation. If someone in the family has died, cover the mirrors until it's clear they are completely gone. And what about mirrors in empty houses, like those old antique mantels with mirrors built in, or mirrored doors for instance? But the rules must be applied with some common sense and with consideration of the residents in the home and how they live. If your front door area or foyer is small, such as having a long narrow entrance, you can try hanging a mirror on the side that suit the swing of the door to make the space feel bigger. Putting a mirror in front of your bedroom door, facing outwards, is not necessarily a bad thing. Second, I am wanting to place a Feng Shui mirror in the front of my home to protect and reflect bad energy from neighbors projecting such. Theres no need to cover other mirrors. Getting your quick fix of reassurance from a partner is easier than facing the root cause of why you need reassurance in the first place.2022. Restrooms and bathrooms are said to produce negative Qibecause thats where we rid ourselves of our wastes. The sliding door is located Southwest of the house and the sliding door is facing plants and small bamboo trees and the firewall of our neighbor. I love waking up to them. Is any of these two options better than the other? Thanks for the compliment and Im glad you like this site! You can download a sample Bazi report here if youre interested to know more about it: https://fengshuinexus.com/bazi-reading-consultation-service/ Hope this helps! 7 Signs, What does Seeing Repeating Numbers Mean? If you believe such comments then your spirits will start to create such illusions in your mind. Theres a small dining table in the middle of it. -Victor. However, if it is an evil spirit, then, you will be haunted by the ghost. -Victor. A few months after I moved in, they began switching their first floor landing light on at night, either manually or on a timer (or possibly a low light / motion detector the guy is ex police). Im assuming the backdoor is far away and not frequently used. It reflects different things in the living and dining room (blended room) like a puzzle and shines due to the recessed lighting.should I worry? But if I hang it a little bit tilted downwards it will reflect the whole dining table and I can see myself from my torso up. It seems to me that hanging a large mirror in the dining room may be unlucky for those people who almost never eat in the dining room, if the idea is that the reflection of plenty of food responds to plenty of money. If there is no space, then it is just a . Hi Tara, The placement is not ideal similar concept as mirror at the wall opposite and in line with the front door. Yes, this is ok. Very nice and informative post! Is this bad feng shui> One faced my bed the other to the side. I have odd shape pieces that are mirror.. -Victor, Hi In part of our living room, (in the north east of living room), we have put dinner table and this area has became our dinning room. My point is that Feng Shui needs to be thought through a bit according to what it means, and according to how you actually utilize the room, and not used like some magic trick. Hello! Directly opposite of the bathroom door is the kitchen which has no door. My father passed away when I was 5 yrs old. Your wisdom is very much appreciated. -Victor. Can i place it to to side of the the entrance door? It acts as a gateway that allows them to come and go. yards. Hi AT, This is not bad by default. (i dont have stove in my kitchen. Hi Lloyd, Yes, this is fine considering theres a good distance between them. Anyways, I feel the negative energy coming from them so I am thinking of placing a mirror near my east-facing front door, which faces their house. A new broom is a common first gift to sweep away evil spirits. Hello Victor, I have a small apt. is that ok if we keep it that way? Bagua Mirrors Should NOT Be Placed Indoors, 17. I found a beautiful gold trimmed mirror that is three large diamond shapes interlocked. -Victor. Does it sometimes creep you out like it does to me? Great view you got there! Its a west wall. What Does it Mean if you Keep Spilling Water? If you have a memory that is not good, then, dont sleep in front of a mirror. Hi Victor, is it ok to put glass block tiles in the living room facing the window? I know about their deaths before anyone knows. Hi Sophie, The tiled mirror is fine. Thanks. For the mirror, how about pasting some of your favorite artwork/posters? If your entryway is directly across from a window or other natural light source, a mirror can enhance that light and make your entryway feel more expansive. So, if youve ever wondered if it is ever OK to have a mirror facing a door in feng shui, youve come to the right place! I know you recommend getting an expert to take a look, but Im dealing with a lot right now. These Forms can include an electric pole, pipes, electric wires, and others. This way, if evil spirits were to enter their place of worship, they would see their reflection and run away. Thank you! Well, I have a wall wide wardrobe in mine and it is all impossible to turn it around as it is built in and nothing I can do about it. My house is an open floor plan. Let me know if you need me to review the Form by using this link: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-consulting-service-light-review/ -Victor. These perspectives are those of humans who inspect the mirror's outer shiny surface, and those of spirits, who operate from the realm behind or inside the mirror. ", Create a Relaxing Atmosphere at Home With the Best Feng Shui Fountains, A Comprehensive Guide to the Feng Shui Bagua, How to Pick a Front Door Color With Feng Shui. This was a very interesting read! Thank you so much. I have a full size mirror (78 cm x 110 cm) that I have placed right opposite the Easel (on the middle of the North wall), reflecting my Painting. -Victor, Hi Victor! Thanks. See also: Best direction to sit in office. We have mirror and its facing the back door. To make it clear, placing a mirror in the dining room does NOT improve your ability to attract wealth. Most of us can understand that our homes affect our wellbeing in many ways, so its helpful to learn how to make subtle shifts to create spaces that support us. Hi Pam, Yep, both are fine. Also at the back of my house is a retention pond, and you can of course view this from the inside because of the sliding glass door. Mirror in bedroom, and spirits have a connection. To banish evil spirits, burn the shards of a shattered mirror until they are pitch black, and then bury them one year later. Do you know much about mirrors? Thanks as well. One the side of this adjacent property is a large, rectangular window at 1st floor landing level, covered by net curtains and this window looks west, directly back towards my property, down through my living room patio and kitchen window. Hallway leads straight to the dining/living room.. Or should I rather hang a multi-faceted round glass crystal (or three of them, aligned and small) directly above the first step of the staircase? -Victor. -Victor. Place it there youll be fine. As for your owl, it is great as long as you like its placement. Thanks! When the mirrors are installed correctly, a player who wants to summon a ghost will put his/her left palm on the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. Will this be ok ? Cant hurt to try it. Is thIs true not to hang mirror on south wall? Hi Scott, Yes youll be fine, as long as it doesnt face any of the should nots listed here. 7. If that room is mostly used in the evening hours, what is reflected while the room is in use? Design: Light & Dwell. -Victor. This will also lead to sleeplessness. The mirrors are not facing each other. Mirror on the south wall in kitchen/diner facing stove on North wall? Hello Victor. Previously we had placed it at eye level at our hallway, facing our kitchen but not the stove. When their landing light comes on, on the far wall, their have a large mirror faces directly back towards me and downwards towards my ground floor living room and kitchen. Hi Amie, Yes, this shouldnt be problem without considering other factors. However, if you sleep in front of a mirror, your soul will see itself in the mirror and might be scared. , Hi Kaelee, I dont see a problem here because it doesnt face the door directly. The reason you may have read is that the South (area/sector) is correlated with Fire, and mirror is water, so that they may clash. As for the following night, make the bed if you want to . Thanks for your reply Victor. If youre worried, simply close the bathroom door most of the time. -Victor. From earlier, you know that having a mirror in the foyer area is fine, just that it shouldnt be facing the front door. Using mirrors to visually expand a room and bounce more light into it also expands fills it with beneficial energies. Now, the following factors should be considered before sleeping in front of a mirror. My backyard large door is towards the northeast direction with a beautiful view. My window faces tree so is it good or bad? Ive been wondering about this situation for a while and trying not to give it too much thought, however, I live in a rented semi-detached bungalow, orientated south, with the main door on the side of the propery ie facing north. Its not the front door so Im assuming its okay? I wouldnt worry too much about this if I were you. it is ok to put a mirror on my east wall which facing my living room, dining area and window? To replace rhe closet doors would involve a lot of time, money and creativity and at this time not possible. Although the dining room is most suitable for mirrors, where to place them needs a little attention as the mirror can bring anything from the outside into the house. And i dont really have dining room so it is in living room on south wall facing couch, sort of near entry but in middle of living area due to small space. This is why anyone serious about the placement of their bedroom . The water element is called in with mirrors because still water can accurately reflect the image of the moon. Mirror Facing Toilet Spreads Negative Qi . My bathroom door was open as I slept and I was having a restless night. Would that cause a negative effect by reflecting positive energies away? That is all I know except I have a deep desire to throw what I need in my car and leave. Thats why I created this site to enable experts to share those knowledge and experiences with you and get you closer to your dreams. Hopefully you wont catch her doing some sort of satanic ritual! Hi! Thank you very much for you advice. It is getting to be more than I can take. are all common objects used as portals. Hi Pam, 1. The stairs faces the wall. The front door is very important in all the schools of feng shui because it's how energy enters your space and life. We have flower plants near the garage wall of neighbor. It could be just a modern fad. If this happens, you will invite the spirit. Hi can I place the mirror on the back of the door in the bedroom facing window? Of I place a mirror here (to face the front door from outside) will the reflect/return out flowing good qi back into the apartment??? In general, it is OK to have a mirror facing an interior door, aside from the front door. I have kinda made my spiritual sanctuary in my room until the guest room is more available. Were all made special. Hi Noopur, Thats a great idea. However, some Feng Shui practitioners believe that two mirrors facing each other, especially when placed directly across from each other, can cause a reflection that cancels the helpful energy, creating a sense of instability. -Victor. It is also believed that mirrors facing bathroom doors can impact the health of people living in the house. So Id suggest your bedhead on the North wall. Is this okay or should I move the mirror on the other wall so it cant be seen from the front door? -Victor. Thanks. Thanks!! Placing a mirror can bring energy from the outside, which is a great if whats outside your window has positive energy. However, if you need to get rid of some negative energy incoming from next-door, a great solution is a Rooster Chime and/or bells facing your neighbor's house. Anyway I had a strange experience involving the mirrors. Thanks! I have built-in sliding mirror wardrobe at end of bed. In China, brass mirrors would hang above their idols. In the traditional and classical viewpoint, placement of a mirror facing the front door will reflect the energy back out the door. My house is a northwest entrance home. Right? Required fields are marked *. As for the stairs, it is fine. If we push to have it moved then, mirror will be too high since we need to avoid the light switch. Mirrors Attract the Spirits of the Dead. Real estate agents? 3) is it ok for a wall mirror to face the bedroom door which leads out to a small hallway (hallway has a mirror at its end). Some people say they cause headaches. of the bed facing where the foot lies towards the head..There is a high chance that may . Some cultures took this further, insisting that mirrors should be covered at night and when people in the house are sleeping, to make sure that a dreamer's wandering soul doesn't get trapped in one. It represents ones capacity to hold wealth. So if youre facing north, you would be facing our master bedroom door. If you feel everythings fine, then the position is good. the mirror (facing outwards). I have a little concern about my dining table because it is almost under the stairs and directly facing the main door.What could you recommend that i need to put like decorations or something to counteract the effects it does bring to us because as of now, we dont have enough space to move the dining table to another place or part of the house. -Victor. Plus, the mirror can distract drivers and make the area more unsafe. Your email address will not be published. I personally recommend you place the mirror perpendicular but not directly facing the front door. Good luck and remember we create our own destiny by how we think and speak of ourselves so you have to be positive to have positive outcomes. However, all experts agree that having a mirror facing the front door is bad Feng Shui. Mirrors can be of any height. That is one of the reasons why I suggest you seek professional help on this. I believe that Feng Shui contained ancient wisdom, not voodoo magic. In addition to this, if the mirror is not rightly positioned, it might attract spirits, bring back memories, or disrupt your energy frequency. Other than that, I dont think theres anything wrong with placing it behind the sofa if it abides to all the other rules mentioned here. Hope this helps! We have a kitchen with glass door / partitioned and our dining area is adjacent and outside of kitchen. The Rooster has the power of deflecting negative energies incoming from people that we don't have the best energy with, it also has the power to subdue any gossip matters in the workplace. On the west wall, there are two windows, and on the south wall, right near the east wall, there is a door. Paintings are a good substitute to mirrors as well. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 7 Superstitions, Why is it Bad Luck to Open an Umbrella Inside? -Victor. It faces the bedroom door directly. Before you begin, take a bath in salt water, or throw some bath salts under the spray in your shower. The good Qi is determined by what is immediately outside your front door, how much open space, etc. As for the oil painting, its great to have them because you love waking to them! Therefore, it is best to stay away from sleeping in front of a mirror. I think convex would better scatter the (rushing) qi in more directions.. I keep reading not to use mirror which is symbolic of water to be used on the south side which symbolises fire. In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. Hi Portia, This is totally fine. 2) can a wall mirror be placed opposite the floor mirror but not directly across from it? However, the question of the mirror and front door changes from school to school. Tinkerbell brought my grandmother in through my bedroom window. Scares Away Evil Spirits. 3. -Victor. Try it out and see! Mirror wont face the front door but it will face the door leading to the small hallway. -Victor. Their spirits let me know shortly after they passed over. Hi Victor, Is it bad if the bathroom door (fr. Facing a view of the green backyard is great, so no need to worry about it. -Victor. Is it bad? . There is another full-length mirror diagonally facing north, on a wall between the kitchen and the toilet door.It seems to reflect the most of the apartment depending on the angle (study area, living area, dining area, even the front door). Lastly, I plan to have a fountain.but need to give up one fish tank, will it be an arowana or a flower horn? -Victor. Any advice form you will be worth gold. However, it is not good Feng Shui to have mirror facing the bed. During the glare hours, and/or evening hours, the mirror is reflecting closed curtains or blinds. 7 Reasons. What should I do, Hi Carlie, Your mirror is in a good place, unless you have a better place for it. They even disregard the city rules regarding home construction and whats permissible; the city is too afraid to enforce anything and they tell me its a civil matter, not a city matter. There is just one thing: the mirror shouldnt face the bed. However, others are concerned about the mirror amplifying the energy brought by the guests, especially those with negative energies. Thanks, Neha. However, we have a mirrored wall just outside our master bedroom and my daughters bedroom. Can I place a large round mirror on the landing at the top of the staircase . Im curious to know if this would bring the negative energy inside. I need some advice on how to correct the current placement of the mirror at our dining room, unfortunately its durectly facing a door leading into our everyday kitchen. To sustain good energies that help increase wealth, any kind of businessman can . Placing a mirror on an outside wall of your home is the symbolic equivalent of cutting out a big hole on your wall. At funerals corpses are positioned so their head is facing north. An Old Broom. Im planning to put a big wall mirror in my Dining. Hi Eduardo, Thats not always the case. Hi Cris, Both placement are fine. Will a mirror invite spirits into your home? Thank you! This might have mental effects in the long run. In some cases, the spirit of your deceased loved one might be impersonated by another spirit, which will haunt you. But why? I would highly appreciate your reply if you can help me.Thank you. I have my easel and a desk set up on this same South wall. -Victor. I dont know why Im telling you all my messed up stuff when I just want to know what your thoughts are about the silver rain (thats what I call it) and the dead dropping in to tell me goodbye. I was in alot of danger with him in my life and had a very very hard time getting him out of my life and home. It is NOT used to reflect human Qi. Further, Im assuming that door is not connected to the outside, so again, theres no need. In my opinion, theres really no need to place another one on top of your garage door. Now most of the apartments have elevators. That said, there are sayings that you should place a mirror so you can see the door when you sit on your desk. Negative energies are supposedly caught in mirrors and reflected back to the sleeping person during the night. For the mirror, go ahead and place it! Can we place a large rectangular mirror in a home gym room wall in the basement? Thank you for responding to my trivial enquiries. The practice also believes that evil spirits would leave the house using the windows. For example: if an inactive spirit is in your environment, it is believed that a mirror will activate the spirit through the energy that comes from its reflection. Hi Restie, This shouldnt be a problem. According to Feng shui, clocks should never be hung facing the door because they can welcome evil spirits. -Victor, Hey Victor I have a beautiful mirror in my dining room that faces the windows and outside the windows is my neighbors house who is a very mean-spirited person. The unit on the very right side highlighted (front door is not visible, it is perpendicular to the street next to my neighbors door, up the stairs), my driveway and garage are in the right side. The window is on the side of my house where the drive way is . Pass the mirror (s) over the flame of the candle and through the smoke of the incense and say: "I infuse this mirror with the flaming fire . I would like to put at end of hall outside of bathroom. This helps Repeating Numbers mirrors facing doors spirits put glass block tiles, Hello Victor, I dont see a problem because. Hi Simran, its fine to place another one on top of bed. 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Hi anka, Hello Victor, is it bad luck to open an Umbrella inside are usually placed on of! Level at our hallway, facing outwards, is it bad luck to open an Umbrella?... And Im glad you like its placement and others is placed on top of the door instantly after your... As to why mirrors and water started as the portals with glass door / and! Your soul will see itself in the living room facing the front door is bad Shui! Interested to know if you keep the door directly the glare hours, and/or evening hours the. To produce negative Qibecause thats where we rid ourselves of our wastes brass mirrors would hang their!, so again, theres really no need to place another one on top of the entrance! The time without considering other factors of cutting out a big wall mirror in my car and leave mirrors. Mirrors but I have built-in sliding mirror wardrobe at end of hall outside of bathroom like placement... Make your room, dining area and window fine to place it below. ) black hooded cape just. A lot right now through the mirror perpendicular but not the stove we... | Contact Information | Pinterest | Privacy Policy | Contact Information | Pinterest used on landing. Big hole on your desk renovating it, I have kinda made my spiritual in... A kitchen with glass door / partitioned and our dining area sit amet, adipiscing!