soulmate pick a card tumblr

Click on your chosen image to0 enlarge it for a more easeful reading experience. Its not mandatory of course. You wanna tell your crush how much you like them but you feel that youre too cold to express your feelings. Did you make your voice heard again? You might feel as if youre siblings or God knows what. I have also added some spirit guide animal stones to help you chose as well. I heard mes a very freaky girl HAHAHAHA wtf is wrong with this person. You need to focus your energy into working with yourself and convincing yourself to believe that its ok to have feelings. It could be referred to an important gift, a resolution to a problem or a dream that came true. Your soulmate is waiting for you somewhere else but cannot come into your life if you are stuck with this maggot. You feel like this relationship isnt very fulfilling, do you? Idk, you have a way with words. Its like, when they think about you, they think of some sort of CEO or boss. They may have faced a difficult childhood and thats why and now theyre trying to protect every creature around them. They are constantly defensive, searching for random battles just to prove themselves theyre not weak. Let me think I see a young person (a man in particular) whose anger has taken over them and whos now full of adrenaline and their pupils are wide open. Libra 8th house: fears related to cooperation, relationships, connecting with other people, love, loosing your balance. This person will love the way you treat animals. Theyre very cute , King of Wands, Page of Swords, 5 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Ace of Cups, Judgement. You might be students who are facing bullying. , you were born original, dont die a copy. They seem very sneaky to you. For you I dont really get a song but Im feeling bad for leaving you songless so imma put one here. Maybe you have feelings for them now, but something about them will make you put them in friendzone and I feel like this will be the best option you will have haha. Its extremely accurate and insightful. You will be very competitive with your person so I feel like you might meet them in some sort of competition or even in some sort of event in which you gotta contradict something. In a good scenario it could be related to a passionate person, with persuasive manners and a charismatic personality. #pickacard #tarotcardreading #lovepickacard Hello cozy people I hope you enjoy your love reading . This also does not mean that you should or need to necessarily pursue a relationship with this person, and if there is someone in your life, Im in no way saying that they 100% have a crush on you. Your future spouse seems to go through some hard times regarding their finances. You might meet this person through something art related, maybe one or both of you are artists in your work, or maybe you just really appreciate art and creativity, and thats how you will come together. I also invite you to take a close look at the cards for your group and draw your own messageswhat comes through to you? I feel like the feminine faced quite a lot before meeting their masculine and it pretty much changed their lives. They react very good under pressure. Do you want to know something about your love life in the near future? You meet each other in this life time to make peace with each other. You will spark an interest in them because youre someone very reserved and very intelligent. Look, I do have some financial issues at the moment but dont worry about me. Did you started to love yourself already? For many of you, I see that you will meet them while being in high school/college. They would also have a sharp nose. This pile will be picked by the ones who tend to be impulsive and stubborn. They remind me of one of my colleagues, whos a very smart guy who doesnt talk to anyone except one colleague whos introverted as well. It really gave me the vibes). You know Im joking, right? If this person makes you extremely happy, then expect them to want to marry you. 4 of Cups, Page of Cups, 4 of Swords, 9 of Pentacles, The Fool, 8 of Cups, 5 of Cups, The Star. ~ Pick-a-Card. , THE CONFLICT->Moon, World, High Priestess, 2S. In this case, I sense that you and your soulmate are quite different people, youre going to have some troubles in initial stage of the relationship because of these differences, youre going to be more stable with this person after some time, this person is going to do a lot of things for you and theyre even going to make some sacrifices just to make you happy. I dont get the feeling that you got hurt previously, but as me, you just arent the type to like very cheesy and romantic things. Theyre paying cause youre smart and they are a gentleman/lady. This pile doesnt show any major changes in your connection with this person. They might want to marry you the second they fall for you. spiritual astrology & divination. I know my value and I know I can take it. You will wonder why you ever spent time feeling sad or angry about the people who have hurt you, now knowing the amazing person who awaits you. They can be an ESTP/ESFP. Look, from my point of view, you should open up more to them. I get big sub vibes from this person they might be a coworker or a colleague youll have or you already have. They are intelligent, but they dont wanna change anything in life. Maybe your sun sign is a feminine one and youll seem more of a masculine one. Are you guys e-girls or trans? I knew one of the piles was gonna have some deep karma related to the relationship. , If youre an IG page and want to repost this, dont forget to tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG. I feel like you had some minor misunderstandings youre worrying about but its alright, because your person is open to communicating. They are independent, idealistic go-getters! Azul slumps forward at his desk, burrowing his head into his arms. They are very good at manifesting and getting whatever they want. They may even really enjoy the chase and enjoy flirting with someone and watching them get flustered. The connection looks very good overall. 3 of Pentacles, King of Swords, 9 of Cups, Knight of Cups, 3 of Wands, King of Cups, The Moon, Knight of Pentacles, Thats some boss energy right here. There seems to be just a casual friendship between the two of you. Also, you are allowed to be goofy sometimes. To get a peek into the personality of one of your soulmates, please pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and have an open mind! They have a strong sense of balance, otherwise they could be a bit detached from their emotions. This person wont be a partner in the future and you probably already know it. ), science, fuck you/off, never mind, forgive me please, toxic, married too young, too much childishness, lion cereals, moving around, very guarded partners, early pregnancy, autumn, alone, teeth clenching, Aries, anger, divorce, move, Heart Attack by Demi Lovato, running, jogging, sports, instant connection, remarrying the same person, arguments. In a love reading it reminds of a strong feeling, true love and honesty. If you dont, stay mad, lmao. Stop worrying if you are lovable or not, or if your crush will like you or not. Now I have no idea how your person got to this impression, so I will assume that you told them. They are really funny istg. Aquarius Venus/Mars: these are pretty gay positions, theres nothing else to say. What they want, theyre going to get. This person will see you as a boss basically. Physical touch and words of affirmation feel like the love languages for this individual. There seems to be pretty much dishonesty between the two of you but I dont feel like you are lying to each other or shit like that, it rather feels as ifyou dont want to be honest to protect yourselves. Pick any of the pictures above to get an insight of what the person you think about thinks about you. I feel like you decided to read this PAC because even you are confused and you have no idea what to do: continue this relationship and see where it leads or just end it now? . 8 of Wands, The Magician, 9 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, 3 of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, The Sun, The Devil. Only 2 or 3 people can relate to this. Your person will kiss your forehead and stay awake for a little while while you will go straight to sleep. Not everyone gets a happy marriage, some people make mistakes and they lose their senses when theyre in love. Your FS will see you as a fighter. a package where i channel what you can do to love yourself more and what your spiritual guides would love to say to you. Ive been working A LOT, you got no idea how much I worked my ass this year. Tell your current partner (if thats the case) to fuck off because all they do is to cause you to suffer, they never helped you, really. This person seems to spend a lot of time in their head and could have a tendency to be a bit of a worrier. I sense that theyre going to be honest (sometimes brutally honest). SoI want to have a family. Butterflies represent metamorphosis or major life changes, as well as innocence and play. If you dont want to tell your feelings then write them down because holding them in wont help you with anything, they will become just a burden.. Its been a long time since my last romantic reading, so I thought it was time to give this a shot! Of note with this card is the charismatic nature we see. Theyre like oH BuT mIcHAeL U dOnT KnOw tHeM yEt, man, fuck them. The Hierophant (V) : Like the High Priestess, this is a card about secrets and things that are hidden, in this case the card shows you that a secrets going to be revealed pretty soon or a conflict will be solved. Dont give up on love because the right person is going to be there when it is the right time. Youll think theyre stuck(?) Now it quite makes sense why your person doesnt really have anything to say about you. You are young, so enjoy yourselves. King of Wands, The High Priestess, 7 of Swords, The Devil, 6 of Cups, 8 of Swords, 2 of Swords, 10 of Wands, Iam anxious. Relax(by Mika) is playing right now. It could suggest a romantic relationship or romantic interests, but its not always the case, sometimes it suggest an important decision thats going to change your life. Do you love pets? They might be a Scorpio rising or have a very strong Scorpio theme in their chart. met her in september and thought she was really familiar. Your situation seems that sort of drama in which there is too much logic and too less communication. You will feel guilty by the fact that you reacted so defensively at their opinion and youll also feel stupid. Pluto in 2th house: find your comfort zone, guarantee yourself a stable lifestyle, develop resilience and try to set reachable goals for yourself, try to express yourself through art. They may work with children and youll see them stare down at them a lot. Hows your mama doin btw. My Venmo is TiannaRoseTarot . Using your intuition, pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and see what else your spirit guides wish to tell you, We get physical check-ups routinely (or we should), so why not get a feel for how your energy is doing as well? It doesnt matter who youre with, you will experience challenges with anyone. Is this my soul mate? tarot reading: 12, This is based on my 6+ years experience into witchcraft . Before you do that however, I want to point out that a few cards showed up in at least two of todays piles. Like my colleague, they might be interested in physics, mechanics and anything related to this robotics field. So sorry this is a day late, I was very busy with studying yesterday, but I wanted to get this reading out as soon as possible! King of Swords, 7 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, Ace of Swords, Ace of Cups. They put a lot of energy into their career and their finances and might not even search for you at the moment theyll meet you. Everyone wants to be loved. Romantic Pick-a-Card, Message from Your Spirit Guides - Pick A Card, What are your Psychic/Spiritual Talents? They are literally dreaming of marrying you. This pile is very very interesting, because not only that these two people really support each other and they are very loving towards each other, but they also have a very mutual understanding and a soulmate connection as well. The darker and weirder, the more it catches their eye! Your Love Life In December - Pick-a-Card Reading. This pile is the easiest so far because I dont see any screaming/offending lol. Let me know what personal interpretation you have and how the cards speak to you! just thinking about starting to sell tarot readings, birth charts and energy works at super reasonable prices on Ko-fi, Ko-fi link: a tarot reader and astrologist with 7 years of experience!I love connecting with people, especially through tarot! Dont give up on dating in general either, because there is someone amazing out there for you who will help you regain your faith in love again. You need to focus all your attention on feeling good when you fail and be more confident. As soon as I inhaled, I mean, took a deep breath I tasted alcohol which is kinda weird to be honest. Your future spouses name could be Michael or something like that haha. It suggests you to have faith, to act in a positive and optimistic way and to follow your instinct. You guys seem to have issues into communicating whatever you feel like you need to communicate. I feel a lot of earth behind this person. Some of yall could be stuck in toxic relationships and you dont know how to get out of them or youre afraid that something bad might happen if you do. Hi guys! Your first impression of them will be their first impression of you. Keep this in mind, that these readings are general, and therefore I am not able to predict the future. The Hanged Man (XII) : Its a card about blockages, anxiety, bad periods, waiting for something, impossibility to act, stagnancy. Some of yall FS are highly psychic people and they know that you exist and they know about the karmic debts you both carry. You might have a very active mind. The design of the cards, where the oval looked like a mirror, seemed to pop out. ~ Pick-a-Card Reading, Your Love Life In October | Pick-a-Card Reading, What is changing in your life? Gemini 8th house: fears related to communication, expressing your opinion, being chatty, being superficial, not feeling smart enough. Theyre that deep person, interested in conspiracy theories and unearthing the worlds secrets. What youre hoping to achieve is already yours. Your person has attachment issues. 2. Put the phone down and take a nap. PICK A CARD : future spouse personality. Now Im not saying that it cant last forever, but ofc, there is still so much more to see and feel. Click Keep Reading and Find your chosen, Digital Charm accompanying the reading for you and your person below. They are also someone very hurt and will hate to cry in front of others, including you, but will be there for you to give you emotional support. If this is a romantic interest, I dont feel the romance in it, but I do feel this platonic caring energy coming from both sides. They may sometimes have bursts of anger or offend you when youre giving them constructive criticism. They will see you as this well of knowledge and will ask for your opinion many times. I hope you did. Ask your sister for advice if you have one. You may not notice at first but this person will surely do. When you are being authentic, thats when you will find the people that you really are meant to spend your time with. I say one-of because I fully believe we have more than one, and that they dont necessarily have to be romantic. I see two people studying together. Both parties are cold, yet both know how much they care about the other one. ), water slides, shower, bath, leaf, Monster drinks, blue t-shirt, a girls laugh, waist lift, sun, dancing, a lot of pop music, Spanish, 70s music, youre the one that I want by Olivia Newton-John and John Trevolta, blue eyes, Christian Woman by Type O Negative, Ed Sheeran, Guitar, beach, lake, cold rain, maternal energy. I feel like youre asking if they care about you or if they regret doing those things to you. In the past, you may have gravitated towards a specific type, possibly not putting you in the best situations. Happy holidays if you celebrate it but if not I hope the next two months will be good to you . Aquarius Moon: I DONT KNOW WHY but I noticed that A LOT of lesbian or bisexual girls have this position, maybe because the Moon is connected with motherhood and expressing your femininity in general and Aquarius generates an original and not traditional way to express these qualities. They will have this need to protect you or take care of you but you will be like No I dont need help, Im fine.. You love to impose respect through confrontation most likely. Use your intuition to pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4) and see your forecast for July. I get many messages, weird enough. Find the podcasts on the tumblr below, and also here: We will post approved features/interviews and reviews on the tumblr blog below. You seem quite intimidating to them haha. Fr, theyre VERY kind. Perhaps you wanted this connection to be only a friendship and thats totally fine. Your counterpart will surely love it. Hanged Man, QOC, KNOW, Magician, 9C, 3W, 2S. The lack of money is what doesnt allow you to feel free so just do whatever your instinct says you should do. So you need to focus your attention into gaining a bit more confidence to speak up. Sorry to disappoint but Ill have to go to the next pile. It reminds of a situation of peace and clarity. They may have a pitched voice if you ask me. Theyre so much, ugh, I cantso strong and masculineeee. Its connected with Scorpio and associated with Pluto, the planet of regeneration and rebirth, it suggests that were all able to find the key for heal our traumas and win over our fears. At first youll think this person is a bit guarded and theyre too quiet but youll know theyre someone very kind. They literally see you as the queen of swords. Try them for a few months and then buy your tarot deck if the experience with oracles was positive! they are good with money. I see someone who is a great leader, but not like the person from pile 2, a more calculated and loyal one. The universe is giving you another chance, and even if choices were made that werent the best before, this time it will be different. Do you own at least a pet? For you, theyre someone who brings flowers into peoples lives. I want to have a beautiful family like my parents have. They will fall very hard for you and you will not even notice. Ah, Im tired. Youll get informations about every single area of life (love, career, flirts, family, friendships, etc). The Wheel of Fortune (X) : Its about changes, new opportunities and the beginning of a new cycle, usually its a positive card but its pretty sensitive to the influence of other cards. Dolphins can symbolize balance, harmony, peace, self love and inner strength. Its like someones pulling a string without knowing where it takes them or what its there for. Its related to patience and long time waiting. They dont seem to be able to enjoy it properly. Pluto in 5th house: heal your relationship with your inner child or surround yourself with children, give yourself the opportunity to act like a kid again, work on being spontaneous and less shy, express yourself through art and theater. Remember that this is just the current energy and is not definite. If theyre a woman theyre short. Go outside, travel a little, say whats on your mind because no one can guess what the fuck youre thinking about. Im going through a massive change in my life right now. They seem country boys/girls ngl, idk if you like them but thats literally the vibe they give me. Their mother might be involved into that or they just have this sort of connection to it. I feel like I have something stuck in my throat. It can talks about a partner or someone whos in love with you, a reciprocated crush, good choices and happiness. Some of them may face abuse in family. You dont need to get into pointless relationships out of boredom or loneliness, you dont need to force yourself to love someone you dont love, because this is only taking your energy away. You have the potential to stay married till death separates you. They are someone very fair and very equal. Have you been cold to them lately? Man, this person is physically and mentally tired. This is a bit random (and specific) but Im seeing this person as someone who enjoys watching paranormal shows - and may spend time criticizing certain parts as wellits like part of them believes but part of them wants to debunk everything too! They look very young and they are very youthful. I love them so much. They seem a bad boy/bad girl but imma tell you the biggest cliche ever: they will have a soft spot for you and youre gonna know it. I believe they mightve gotten cheated on in the past and now they became very controlling with you and they will want to know where Goddamn you are, EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE, which isnt convenient for your independence and your way ofbeing. You feel so powerless and so insignificant, but for what? So how will you find this person? Anyways, you wont want to have anything to do with them but something will just pull you in. This reading is for those who picked pile 3 with the beautiful dolphin stone. Your person sees you as someone with which they used to be very compatible, and who abruptly became cold and pretty much disappointed. Cant explain it otherwise. You may have had dreams about them in the past and vice versa, or if you havent met this person in this lifetime, you may have had this dream, and then ended up meeting someone exactly like them. Then scroll down to your pile 1, 2, or 3 and enjoy your reading! Youll have your rest after some months of asking yourself if this is the one or if this connection is worth it. Your person thinks youre adorable. I get the feeling that some of you might have speaking issues and you might not be able to express yourselves the way you want to express yourselves. If youre a teen and this is your case listen up: go and eat something, eat whatever youre craving, drink whatever youre craving and go with your friends outside when your parents arent watching. There is a strong emotional balance between both of you and a really deep and powerful connection. Your person may not have been ready then to go all in on a relationship, or maybe they figured you would be better without them. Perhaps you and your person dont get to see each other too much or it could be an emotional block we are talking about. They might be in a toxic relationship and they are too afraid to get out of it, especially if theyre a woman. Im not gonna apologise for the lack of seriousness I have right now since I know you dont give a fuck anyways. Basically if youve never tried one of these before, this is a reading where you get to choose the cards that you resonate the most with right now. The shits hard to communicate. You guys seem to care too much about being right than be equal. No fucking way. Its also connected to intelligence and suggests you to connect to your higher self. Then, you can scroll down to the correct pile 1-4. There is also a minority of you who have children and are not married yet. I get that youre insecure and that youre afraid they might get your heart broken or that you may come across as a fool, but thats not the case, they think youre very smart. Im so glad for your guys. Overall it seems like this is really a time of transformation, which is what the fall season is about. Pisces in 8th house: fears related to chaotic situations, deep emotions, love, explore your dreams, explore your spiritual side, losing yourself. Hi beautiful roses! It could also be associated with an happy ending followed by the beginning of something even better. They see you as the perfect partner ever and I do get that for many of you, this person might be one of your actual soulmates. Words->Rachmaninoff, confusion, what am I to you?, are you ready?, contemplating, analysis, not honest, depression, I cant sleep because of you, ink, writer, winter, should I leave?, no. I very pale man. Hmthere seems to be some sort of fear and despair coming from your part. Theres really quite a bit of Mars energy here. Some might want to be lawyers or judges. I believe you got my point, so I believe Ill be continuing this PAC. Are you a Gift Faery? This is someone generous, passionate, loyal, and perhaps a bit full of themselves ;) Theyre definitely ambitious with a lot of lofty goals for themselves - and they have the confidence to succeed. It will end up with you not talking to them for 2-3 hours or even blocking them lol. Instead you are meant to learn from this experience. This pile seems a bit more reserved than the others and now let me tell you what seems to happen here. I really want that happy ever after thing from Shrek and I know Im gonna get it, but still, I wanna let you know since you seem more pessimistic than me haha. Look, I love you. Im gonna fucking show you all and youre gonna regret what youve done to me~~this person most likely. this person is really good looking. The Magician, 5 of Cups, The Tower, 6 of Wands, Page of Swords, Page of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, The Sun, This person is a smart one ngl. Theyre going to suffer from a bad mental health, mood swings and emotional distress. Your soulmate is going to be a fighter, someone with a dark past and a lot of strength. Do you guys have a crush atm? Ill tell you everything you need to know about your career using Astrology! GAY VIBES. Take your time and a couple of breaths, and use your intuition to pick a group (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). This type of love they have is pretty toxic in my opinion, but you seem to love when people are obsessed over you. Your future spouse is someone very mysterious who will make you melt just by staring at you. Four out of the five tarot cards in this reading are in reverse. : *:* : *:* : *:* : *:*, : *:* : *:* : *:* : *:*. We had quite a bit of overlap, therefore a lot of these readings may have similar messages as they have similar cards. If you dont resonate with this reading then its not your pile, so go pick another pile. Oh, hi. Maybe they were stuck in toxic relationships before they met you and they have a habit of finding toxic partners. I know this is extremely short and Im sorry but its all I understood from this situation. There may be some cards mentioned in the reading that are not in the image, these are cards that fell out afterwards as I was shuffling, and therefore I have not included a picture of those, but if you want an image of a specific card, feel free to send me a message! Because your person below tend to be some sort of CEO or boss bursts of anger offend... Chosen, Digital Charm accompanying the reading for you and a lot your. Can relate to this robotics field them stare down at them a lot of earth this. 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